Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries. Welcome PR if you find or create new Kotlin Multiplatform Library.
- 0
Fix invalid badge reference
#227 opened by soleil-colza - 0
- 2
Add `KHealth`
#225 opened by shubhamsinghshubham777 - 1
- 1
Using .Jar file in Kmm project
#198 opened by Omar7273 - 0
Improve explicity of the pull request template
#215 opened by soleil-colza - 1
Rating of this for each library on this list
#170 opened by Morons - 0
- 0
#144 opened by joseluisgs - 0
- 0
Is there a library that can convert ByteArray to String in GBK encoding format?
#109 opened by D10NGYANG - 2
Add nodejs platform
#70 opened by y9san9 - 2
change the name to awesome-kotlin-multiplatform
#60 opened by JotaPe - 0
Any lib way for Amzon Amplify?
#54 opened by fatinWasta - 2
Q: multiplatform file operations lib?
#12 opened by 4ntoine - 1
Multiplatform-LiveData - wrong listing
#20 opened by MarcusWolschon - 1
Cant create PR
#16 opened by Reedyuk