
Forked in Repo used for Cypress/Git integration work

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Expanded todomvc with login, signup and drag and drop

Simple todoMVC app build with Vue.js, originally forked from testing-workshop-cypress. I expanded the appliaction and added a couple of features.


drag & drop

Reorder todos in list. TBD: make sure the reorder keeps it’s state after refresh 🙂 Drag and drop

signup page

Signup page with ability to send a real welcome email. Using sendmail to do that. Signups are stored in data.json, in plain text. So, yeah. Signup

login page

Works with previously signed up emails. Server returns an auth cookie in form of auth=true, LOL 😆 Login


Backend is a json-server on a static json file. Middleware handles couple of cases. Some of these are:

POST /reset

Deletes all todos and all accounts, that were created on signup page.

DELETE /todos

Deletes all todos

DELETE /accounts

Deletes all accounts, created on signup page


  1. npm i
  2. npm start

App runs on localhost:3000 by default.