
This show a basic automatic configuration with signing certificates and ENC with puppet and vagrant.

Primary LanguagePuppet

Create a full configuration of Puppet Master and Agent using Vagrant.

This is really awesome to begin with a development environment

To run this, just clone the repo and you can type: $ vagrant up puppetmaster $ vagrant up agent

Depending on your vagrant version the share folder line in Vagrantfile could cause problems. Just check this.

What is important?

  • The puppet Master and Agent nodes take their configuration from puppet manifests located in the folder with that name.

  • The puppet Master will hold the modules for each node. The modules folder is shared in /etc/puppet/modules in the master. Configurations are on the Vagrantfile.

  • They autosign thanks to the file in the master /etc/puppet/autosign.conf so you should not have problems in the signing part. To list certificates run puppet cert list --all on master.

  • To test the agent provision run puppet agent -t

  • Explore through the commits to view changes.

  • Here is included a configuration to use an ENC (External Node Classifier) with puppet. This is a puppet extension, so it's a little more advanced...

Check out www.101pro.wordpress.com for more info.

Enjoy and keep learning!