
Seismic Spectral Enhancement Technique

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Seismic Resolution Enhancement Technique proposed by Babasafari et al., 2016 https://library.seg.org/doi/10.1190/ice2016-6513081.1

Script files:

bri_class.py: Python script.

bri_gui.py: Python script.

BRI_2023.ipynb: Jupyter notebook.

Author: Amir Abbas Babasafari (AB).

Date: October 2023.

Email: a.babasafari@yahoo.com

Installation Requirements:

Python 3.9

Libraries: numpy, segyio, matplotlib, scipy, PyQt5

Run application:

Download the code from GitHub or clone the repository to your machine.

Install the required dependencies using pip install 'library name'.

Run the BRI app via command prompt 'python bri_gui.py' in the same directory that bri_class.py and bri_gui.py exist.

Or run using any available IDE.

The link of tutorial data from open data website: https://dataunderground.org/dataset/waipuku

Application features:

Please see description below and for more information please watch the recorded demo on LinkedIn and YouTube via provided links below:



load original seismic: Load 2D/3D post-stack seismic data in segy/sgy format.

save BRI seismic: Save new seismic data after BRI application in segy/sgy format.

location map: Plot XY coordinates map.

BRI spectral enhancement: Run BRI method.

plot seismic data (original and BRI): Plot and toggle between original seismic and BRI sections.

Amplitude spectrum: Plot mean amplitude spectrum of original seismic and BRI.

Overlay comparison: A simple overlay comparison between original seismic and BRI traces at selected location.

  • matplotlib navigation toolbar is available.

BRI technique:

Blueing Reflectivity Integration (BRI) method aims to produce the same results as seismic spectral blueing, where there is not any acoustic impedance log available to create reflection coefficient log. So, by leveraging seismic traces, so-called pseudo Reflection Coefficient (RC) are extracted from local maximum or minimum along seismic traces by calculating amplitude for zero first derivative. The rest of the steps are similar to Seismic Spectral Blueing. In addition, the function of creation RC from log is available in BRI main class but not included in BRI GUI for front-end purpose.


Calculating mean amplitude spectrum of seismic data in the frequency domain.

Obtaining pseudo Reflection Coefficient (RC) derived from seismic data.

Fitting a curve on amplitude spectrum of logarithmic reflection coefficient.

Multiplication of mean amplitude spectrum of seismic data by fitted Blue spectra.

Taking inverse Fourier Transformation of BRI spectra to bring back the data to the time domain (BRI operator).

Convolving seismic amplitude with BRI operator.

Quality control steps.

Functions in bri_class:

Function to define data type as 2D or 3D and Post-Stack or Pre-Stack as well as selecting data for display.

Function to read 2D/3D post-stack seismic data (segy file) and specify data-related parameters.

Function to extract header information of segy file (Geometry-related byte locations).

Function for scatter-plotting of X and Y Geometry.

Function to display seismic data (segy file).

Function to calculate amplitude spectrum.

Function to calculate mean amplitude spectrum.

Function to plot amplitude spectrum.

Function to calculate pseudo Reflection Coefficient (RC) from seismic data.

Function to compute F4 Index.

Function for fitting a curve on RC amplitude spectrum.

Function to calculate BRI operator.

Function to convolve seismic traces and BRI operator.

Function to compare seismic and BRI data at one location.

Function to export 2D/3D post-stack BRI data (segy file).

Function for writing header information on segy output (Geometry-related byte locations).