
This project automates the deployment of a Kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2 instances using Terraform for infrastructure provisioning and Ansible for installing Docker, kubeadm, and all necessary dependencies.

Primary LanguageHCL

Play with Ansible and Terraform to make Self managed K8s Cluster


This project automates the deployment of a Kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2 instances using Terraform for infrastructure provisioning and Ansible for installing Docker, kubeadm, and all necessary dependencies.


Ensure you have the following installed and configured on your device:

Basic Kubeadm Cluster Diagram

Custom VPC Diagram


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/AB-Rhman/k8s-ec2-terrafrom.git
    cd k8s-ec2-terrafrom


Provision Infrastructure

  1. Initialize Terraform:

    terraform init
  2. Review the execution plan:

    terraform plan
  3. Apply the Terraform configuration:

    terraform apply

SSH Access

  1. Use the generated private key to SSH into your EC2 instances:
    ssh -i privatekey.pem ubuntu@<ec2-public-ip> # find ip in /files/hosts

Run Ansible Playbook

  1. Ensure required Ansible packages are installed:

    ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
    ansible-galaxy collection install cloud.terraform
  2. Create an Ansible vault file with your sudo password:

    ansible-vault create vault.yml

    Inside the vault.yml file, add:

    ansible_become_pass: <your_sudo_password>
  3. Run the Ansible playbook:

    ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbook.yml --ask-vault-pass

OR You can use apply script to make all of the above


Configure kubectl

  1. Export the kubeconfig file:

    export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig/config
  2. Verify the connection to your Kubernetes cluster:

    kubectl get nodes

Clean Up

  1. Destroy all resources:


  • Automated Kubernetes cluster deployment on AWS EC2 instances
  • Infrastructure provisioning with Terraform
  • Configuration management with Ansible
  • Easy setup and teardown with provided scripts


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any changes or enhancements.

Contact Information

For questions or feedback, please open an issue on the repository or contact the project maintainer.