Design a schema and create the necessary migrations and models to represent citizens living in a nation:


  • Citizens must have a first name and a last name.
  • Citizens can optionally have a phone number.
  • Citizens can belong to multiple nations.


  • A nation must have a name.
  • A nation can optionally have an official language.
  • A nation can have many citizens.


  • You should feel free to add whatever additional migrations/models etc. you need to make these associations work.
  • This challenge is focused solely on migrations, models, and the database schema. The relevant files that will be checked are:
    • All files in the app/models directory.
    • All files in the db/migrate directory.
    • The db/schema.rb file.
  • Include database constraints and model validations where appropriate.
  • Draw out the ER Diagram on paper so that you can understand what data you will need to save and the relationships that you will need to create.
  • Test your models in pry by running pry -r "./app.rb".
  • You do not need to add any routes to the application to make the app functional.