
Named entity recognition for local entities in the Philippines

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

CS321 - Name Entity Recognition Model

This repository contains a NER model based on SpaCy's existing model. The code included in this repository is made by Team ABCD.


  1. Run the installation of the dependencies by using conda's pip module. You can install this by running conda install pip in your anaconda prompt.
  2. Install the dependencies from the requirements.txt file by using the command pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. After installing the required dependencies. You can now use the testing notebook for the model. This notebook can be found at /src/test_model.ipynb

Re-train on your own

  1. Re-training the model is easy. By using the training.ipynb notebook, you can provide your own set of training data to be considered.
  2. If necessary, you can provide your own SpaCy configuration file to be used. For more information check out (SpaCy's Documentation Training Pipeline & Models)[https://spacy.io/usage/training/]

Visit our (GitHub Repository)[https://github.com/ABCD-EDU/cs321-NER] for more information.