Tracking and managing project proposals for the ABCD-ReproNim course's 2020 project week.
Pinned issues
- 7
early life adversity dimensions, functional connectivity, and change in child behavior
#7 opened by avannucci - 13
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The Potential Resilient Effects of Playing a Musical Instrument on Neuro Developmental Outcomes in Children From Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds
#22 opened by rbenno48 - 7
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Is the association between childhood obesity and white matter tract moderated by SES, physical activity patterns, sleep duration, or screen time?
#11 opened by cassandrajustinelowe - 3
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Effects of Race and Socioeconomic status on mental health trajectories of adolescents and older children
#6 opened by AdefunkeOmosefe - 7
Typologies of temperament: Identifying adolescent temperament profiles that predict substance use risk factors
#10 opened by ldhill - 3
Development of Amygdala Functional Connectivity
#19 opened by amg9yn - 4
A pre-adolescent imaging-based brain parcellation
#21 opened by JessyD - 7
Association Between Structural and Connectivity Characteristics in the Language Networks and the Statistical Learning Networks and Children’s Language Abilities
#15 opened by KatherineTrice - 2
Using multivariate statistical techniques to investigate the role of brain volume and neurite density on psychopathology
#24 opened by kharloews - 0
How does fear hamper prediction?
#25 opened by mchoi3210 - 1
Does the task-dependent connectivity between some regions in the frontoparietal system and the hippocampus correlate the emotional n-back task performance?
#20 opened by mmpeng9 - 1
The Effects of Playing a Musical Instrument Upon Brain Development and Impulsive Behavior in the ABCD Study
#8 opened by rbenno48 - 3
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Neural correlates of pain in youth: A preliminary investigation to inform future discovery of future biomarkers
#18 opened by sarah202020 - 0
[EXAMPLE] Positive-negative mode link between functional connectivity, behavior, and demographics
#2 opened by dmoracze