
Matched groups - what is group 3?

traceyshi opened this issue · 2 comments

We are interested in the matched groups of participants that you have created ( but wanted to clarify about Group 3, which is much smaller than Groups 1-2 and not included in the description of the matching. Are the participants in Group 3 intentionally excluded from the main groups? (and if yes, is this based on data quality? other metrics?) Or is there some other reason for their assignment to Group 3? Thanks!

Thanks for your question! We will get back to you with an answer soon.

Good question!
Group 3 is used as a high-quality held-out sample for the purpose of creating templates for other approaches (e.g. template matching networks). This is done to reduce the chances of data leakage with Groups 1 and 2. The data themselves are in fact, quite usable, and can serve as a good sandbox for model tuning or feature selection.

Group1 and Group2 are extremely well matched, so I would recommend using them for reproducibility/testing. Hope this helps!

-Eric Feczko