
10scanner is webapps vulenrability scanner (generic info / CMS old vulnerabilities / CMS 0days vulnerabilities with AI algorithms help to discover new flaws in CMS plugins ) - currently deving on wordpress

Primary LanguagePython

10scanner is command line python code webapps vulenrability scanner v1 (Beta version ill updated with full functionality as described in next updates):

  • Notice : this still under dev , now all u can do is -a for full scan in the progress of codes i reached (info gathering ,plugins bruteforce)
python -m pip install -r req.txt
python 10scanner.py -u target.com -a
  • generic info including
 - whois,nslookup,portscan, cms detection
 - subdomains,domains hosted on same server , webserver , language used ,sitmaps&robots.
 - off indexed directories , dirmapping . 
  • bruteforce
* themes,plugins bruteforce 
* login bruteforce 
 * CMS old vulnerabilities
  - checking current core & plugin versions and look for potential public flaw 
 * CMS 0days vulnerabilities with AI algorithms help to discover new flaws in CMS plugins 
  - requires localhost installed same target CMS , will auto install the plugins and check for potential Syntaxes that lead to a vulnerability exploitation

still under dev currently but not farway to release a beta version .

  • could be add webpanel work related with 10scanner commandline.

this tool may simplify ur work and short time for u , but it sure manual testing is always best.