
some experiment about opentracing and jaeger

Primary LanguageGo

how to run opentracing scoket demo

  1. run jaeger docker all in on in localhost
docker run -d --name jaeger \
  -p 5775:5775/udp \
  -p 6831:6831/udp \
  -p 6832:6832/udp \
  -p 5778:5778 \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 14268:14268 \
  -p 14250:14250 \
  -p 9411:9411 \
  1. run server b
go run main.go b

start another bash to run server c

go run main.go c
  1. run client a
go run main.go a 10
  1. open jaeger url to watch result localhost:16686

how to use this package

in the same process

  1. init tracer from config

    import (
    serviceName := "service_a"
    agentEndpoint := "localhost:5775"
    debug := false
    closer, err := tracing.InitTracer(serviceName, agentEndpoint, debug)
    if err != nil {
        // handle error and log
    // invoke closer.Close when
    defer closer.Close()
  2. create a span

    operationName := "function name or other op name"
    span := tracing.CreateSpan(operationName)
    // finish when exit the scope
    defer span.Finish()
  3. create a child span when invoke a function

    func DoHandleStep1(span opentracing.Span)  {
        childSpan := tracing.CreateChildFromSC(span.Context())
        defer childSpan.Finish()
  4. create a follower span when invoke a function

    func DoHandleStep2(span opentracing.Span)  {
        followerSpan := tracing.CreateFollowerFromSC(span.Context())
        defer followerSpan.Finish()

tracing in IPC

  1. init tracer in each process

  2. create a span in first process and propagate carrier to the next process

    operationName := "func 1"
    span := tracing.CreateSpan(operationName)
    defer span.Finish()
    carrier := GetCarrier(span)
    // propagate carrier to the next process
  3. create a child span in the next process

    operationName := "func 2"
    childSpan := tracing.CreateChildFromCarrier(operationName, carrier)
    defer childSpan.Finish()
  4. or create a follower span in the next process

    operationName := "func 3"
    followerSpan := tracing.CreateFollowerFromCarrier(operationName, carrier)
    defer followerSpan.Finish()

log something or set some tags

  1. log something
    span.LogKV("output", result)
  2. set tags
    span.SetTag("server", "c")

how to deploy jaeger in distributed system

There were 4 machines in the disturbed environment, called A, B, C, D.

We deployed services and jaeger agent in A, B, C machine, and deployed jaeger collector and queries in D machine for tracing debug.


deploy without k8s version

These version use es storage for storing log and data. (Distributed jaeger version supports ES or Cassandra for storage.)

  1. start an es instance in a machine or start an es cluster for more stable storage if need
docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.9.0
  1. start agent in each machine
docker run -d -p 5775:5775/udp jaegertracing/jaeger-agent:latest --reporter.grpc.host-port=${COLLOCTOR-HOST-IP}:14250
  1. start collector in a machine
docker run -d -e SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch -e ES_SERVER_URLS=http://${ES-HOST-IP}:9200 -p 14250:14250/tcp jaegertracing/jaeger-collector:latest --es.index-prefix=openstracing
  1. start query in a machine for showing tracing result
docker run -d -p 16686:16686 -e SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch -e ES_SERVER_URLS=http://${ES-HOST-IP}:9200 jaegertracing/jaeger-query:latest --es.index-prefix=openstracing

deploy with k8s

  1. deploy jaeger operator in k8s environment.
kubectl create namespace observability # <1>
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/master/deploy/crds/jaegertracing.io_jaegers_crd.yaml # <2>
kubectl create -n observability -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/master/deploy/service_account.yaml
kubectl create -n observability -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/master/deploy/role.yaml
kubectl create -n observability -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/master/deploy/role_binding.yaml
kubectl create -n observability -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/master/deploy/operator.yaml

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/master/deploy/cluster_role.yaml
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-operator/master/deploy/cluster_role_binding.yaml
  1. prepare external storage such as stable ES cluster. Use Es operator or deploy by docker image.

  2. deploy production component (collector / ingester / query)

apiVersion: jaegertracing.io/v1
kind: Jaeger
  name: simple-prod
  strategy: production
    image: jaegertracing/jaeger-collector:latest # <1>
    image: jaegertracing/jaeger-query:latest # <1>
  agent: # delete these two line if you want to use sidecar mode
    strategy: DaemonSet
    type: elasticsearch
        server-urls: http://${ES-HOST}:9200
  1. [Optional] prepare MQ such as Kafka in k8s if need (need ingester) [not tried] This is suitable for streaming mode.

  2. set agent with application as sidecar or DaemonSet

    1. add agent as sidecar container and use it
     - name: jaeger-agent
       image: jaegertracing/jaeger-agent:latest # it's best to keep this version in sync with the operator's
       - name: POD_NAMESPACE
             fieldPath: metadata.namespace
       - --reporter.grpc.host-port=dns:///jaeger-collector-headless.$(POD_NAMESPACE).svc.cluster.local:14250
       - containerPort: 5775
         name: jg-compact-trft
         protocol: UDP
    1. (1) deploy agent as DaemonSet
    apiVersion: jaegertracing.io/v1
    kind: Jaeger
      name: my-jaeger
      agent: # add these two line to collector & query yaml
        strategy: DaemonSet
    1. (2) use agent in application k8s yaml
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: myapp
          app: myapp
            app: myapp
          - name: myapp
            image: acme/myapp:myversion
            - name: JAEGER_AGENT_HOST  # use env in the application config code or yaml config file
                  fieldPath: status.hostIP

PS: 其实 agent 和 jaeger client 可以不在同一个 host 上,但因为协议使用 udp , 有存在丢失的可能性。 所有最佳实践上都要求部署在同一个 host 上。如果是局域网,其实还是可以容忍的。 故开发环境下,是可以部署在不同的host上以供快速调试。