
Evolution, genetics and the Baldwin effect explored by means of a Boolean network model

Primary LanguageC++

Implementation of the model described in the paper 'Limit cycle dynamics can guide the evolution of gene regulatory networks towards point attractors'

This code repository is related to a paper published in Scientific Reports linked here:


This README contains a short introduction to the science, and some instructions on how to compile and run the code in the repository.

A quick introduction to the gene networks described in the paper

Note: The figures here (and their captions) are reproduced from the paper under the terms of the Creative Commons 4.0 license and are attributable to the authors of the paper.

The paper associated with this code repository considers a system of Boolean gene networks. Consider a system of 5 genes, labelled a to e, which interact with each other in a region of biological tissue. Each gene can be expressed (1) or not expressed (0). The instantaneous state of all 5 genes can be represented as a 5 bit number with 32 possible values. Because the genes interact, the state of the system a small time into the future is dependent on the current state. The figure below illustrates; each gene receives inputs i to v from the current time step. A table can be created, and randomly populated so that each of the genes has its state a short time in the future (i.e. the next timestep of a simulation) specified. The randomly populated number, which is created by arranging all the coloured columns in Fig. 1 into a line to give a 160 bit number, is what we refer to as the 'genome' in the paper.

Figure 1

Figure 1 Gene interaction network. A network of n=5 interacting genes, shown labelled a-e, each with inputs labelled i-v. The truth table determines the expression level of each gene in response to each of the 2^n=32 possible patterns of gene expression. The coloured elements thus constitute a 'genome' of N=n2^n=160 bits, which in this case specifies a maximally fit network (f=1).

Referring to the example in Fig. 1, if all the genes are in the 'not expressed' (0) state (look at the first row of the 'input' table), then at the next time step, gene a (red) will be 'not expressing' or 0, gene b (yellow) will be 'expressing' or 1, and so on. If we have some pre-specified starting state (For example, [00001]) and some required target state (say [10101]), then we can compute the states that the system will progress through and see if the intial state maps to the target state. We regard as fully fit (fitness=1) a genome which progresses from the initial state [00001] to the target state (in any number of steps) and which then cycles back on itself - that is, the state [10101] leads directly to [10101] as a 'stable point attractor'.

⚠️ In Fig. 1, you'll see that the input row [10101] does not map directly to the output row [10101]. This looks like an error, but it's not. Refer to the connectivity pattern in the left side of the figure (the pentagon). Each gene 'sees' an input pattern which starts with its own expression as input i. It then receives the inputs clockwise around the pentagon; For example, b sees the state of b as input i, the state of c as its input ii, d is input iii, e maps to iv and finally, the state of a is b's input v. When the expression pattern is [10101], then the input pattern seen by a is [10101], but b sees [01011], c sees [10110], d sees [01101] and e sees [11010]. To determine the system's expression at the next time step, you have to consult five rows of the input/output table to determine the output: [10101] for a (red) is 1, [01011] for b (yellow) is 0, [10110] for c (green) is 1, [01101] for d (blue) is 0, [11010] for e (purple) is 1: [10101]! Thus, the state [10101] does indeed map directly back to itself. Although it is possible to 'wire' the pentagon diagram so that a single row in the table can conveniently be used to read the next state of the system, this convenience disappears as soon as we study a system for which the number of inputs to each gene is less than n.

Figure 2

Figure 2 The attractor landscape. The developmental dynamics of the network that is specified by the genome in Fig. 1 reveals five attractors (four point attractors and one with a limit cycle of length two). Every possible gene expression pattern is represented by one dot, and the transitions between states are represented by arrows. Initial states [10000] and [00000] map to target states [10101] and [01010] as point attractors. The blue path corresponds to the development of the network in the anterior context and the red path corresponds to the development of the network in the posterior context.

The attractor landscape specified by the genome in the table in Fig. 1 is shown in Fig. 2. Each dot in the figure represents a single gene expression state and indicates how the system develops over time. Here, the initial state [10000] follows a path through 5 intermediate states to finally end up on the stable point attractor [10101], which cycles back on itself. The same genome also takes a starting state of [00000] to the state [01010].

Up to this point, I've referred to 5 genes interacting within a 'single context'; meaning that the genes are in the same spatial location. This work relates the genes a-e to a specific set of genes which are known to be important in the arealization of the mammalian neocortex. These genes (Fgf8, Pax6, Emx2, Sp8 and Coup-tf1) produce specific patterns of expression; Fgf8 is initially expressed at the anterior part of the cortical plate, and initiates a cascade of interactions which result in anterior to posterior or posterior to anterior gradients of expression for each of the 5 genes. We divided space up into only two compartments, anterior and posterior and asked how easy is it to find the genome which takes the anterior state [10000] to the anterior target [10101] and the posterior initial state [00000] to the target [01010]. The anterior and posterior target states represent a spatial gradient in expression for all 5 genes. By random search, this is difficult. Approximately 1 in every 60000 genomes achieves this, where we define the desired, stable target states as having fitness 1, and anything else fitness 0.

The paper describes a mechanism by which an evolutionary search of the genome space can be sped up compared with a random search. It does this by allowing genomes which do not fulfil the required target states perfectly to nevertheless have fitness > 0 as long as they express the desired gene expressions for some proportion of developmental time. By this mechanism, a search of the genome which flips a few bits on each evolutionary generation can find 'paths up to the peaks in the fitness landscape' and accelerates this simple, 2 context (anterior and posterior) system by 70 times. Furthermore, we show that this speed-up is maintained even as the number of spatial contexts increases. If we divide space up into a larger number of compartments, the difficulty of the random search increases exponentially, but the effectiveness of attractor scaffolding also increases exponentially!

The code

This implementation of the Boolean network model is written in C++, writing out data in text files (comma separated values) into the directory data/. It has some python scripts for data visualisation in the subdirectory plot/ and scripts to run multiple instances of the model in the subdirectory scripts/.

The code is flexible enough to specify 3, 4, 5 or 6 genes for the 'k=n' network in which every gene receives input from every other gene, including itself. It can also compute an n=k-1 network for 7 genes. The number of genes, as well as the choice of k=n-1 or k=n and some other features are set at compile time.

The code builds using cmake. There is a cpp file for every program, though some programs are compiled into several binaries, with different #defines resulting in different program behaviour. Consult the sim(_supp)/CMakeLists.txt file for details of the compilation.

The state space is represented by the type state_t (which is an unsigned char). This contains sufficient bits for 4, 5 or 6 genes. The genome space is represented by a fixed size array of genosect_t (which is set to either an unsigned int or an unsigned long long int at compile time). There are N_Genes genosect_t variables in a full genome, but not all bits of each genosect_t may be used. For 'k=n', 2^(N_Genes) bits are required in each genosect_t (That's 16 for N_Genes=4, 32 for N_Genes=5 and 64 for N_Genes=6).

The main, reported program code is in the directory sim/. Supplementary analysis code is in sim_supp/. There are some CTests in tests/. Results are written into data/. There are python scripts in plot/ to visualise the results. factorial/ contains some code by Peter Luschny for computing factorials. You should build in build/.


cmake, a c++ compiler and the libraries mpir and jsoncpp are required. On Ubuntu or Debian:

sudo apt install cmake build-essential

Ensures you have a compiler and cmake.

You will then need to obtain, build and install mpir from github: git://github.com/wbhart/mpir.git (see also http://mpir.org)

I compiled mpir like this:

sudo apt install libtool autoconf yasm texinfo # Required only for the mpir build
git clone git://github.com/wbhart/mpir.git
cd mpir
autoreconf -is # I ignored a couple of warnings here
./configure --enable-cxx --prefix=/usr/local
make -j6 # or however many cores you have
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig # To ensure your system's dynamic linker can find the new libraries

I compiled jsoncpp like this:

git clone https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp.git
cd jsoncpp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install


You should create a sub-directory called build to compile AttractorScaffolding.

mkdir -p build && pushd build
cmake .. # alternatively use `CXX=icpc cmake ..` or `CXX=clang++ cmake ..` to compile with an optimised compiler
make -j6 # or however many cores you have


See the sim/README.md for details about all the programs that are compiled in build/sim/

To reproduce the essential result of this work, first run:

cd ./scripts/

This will generate data files in data/. These can then be plotted with plot/main/fig4.py.

cd plot/main
python fig4.py

The result of exhaustively searching the n=3 gene system can be reproduced by running:




Simulation programs and header files.


Supplementary simulation programs.


The standalone implementation, evolve.cpp.


Some bash scripts to run the programs in sim/ and sim_supp/.


A directory into which the results of simulations are written.


Scripts to plot results from data found in data/.


Contains a document analysing the probability of fit states as a function of the ending limit cycle size.


Contains factorial code from Peter Luschny and some test programs using this library.


A few unit testing programs.