
A Movie and TV Show Tracker using trakt.tv

Primary LanguageKotlin


A Movie and TV Show Tracker using trakt.tv

API Keys

Create a secrets.properties file at the project route and copy the values below. Also note that you'll need API Keys from trakt.tv and themoviedb.org. You can get instructions for optaining these keys by following the links above.

trakt_base_url = "https://api.trakt.tv/"

trakt_client_id = "YOUR_TRAKT_CLIENT_ID_GOES_HERE"

trakt_client_secret = "YOUR_TRAKT_CLIENT_SECRET_GOES_HERE"

tmdb_base_url = "https://api.themoviedb.org/3/"

tmdb_api_key = "YOUR_TMDB_API_KEY_GOES_HERE"