
Quickly compare effective permissions between users, profiles, and permission sets. Built on Heroku and Force.com using OAuth2, ExtJS4, and Java with the Play! framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Compare Salesforce.com users, profiles, and permission sets

Goal: help SFDC admins and users determine what permission differences and similarities exist between users, profiles, and permission sets.

  1. Login to your Salesforce account using OAuth2
  2. When requested, authorize app to access your SFDC data
  3. Drag a User, Permission Set, or Profile to one of the empty columns
  4. Repeat for addition users, permission sets, or profiles
  5. Navigate the common, unique, and differing perms in the middle panel

Video demo

Dreamforce 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZMH7yqJGo4&feature=youtu.be&t=38m4s

Open source

If you would like to fork or host your own instance of the app, feel free to clone the repo and set up a local server or deploy Heroku.

Local install

To install and run on a local server, please see the instructions here:


tweet me @_johnbrock or email _johnbrock@outlook.com