ACCESS Models Accessory Multitool Interface (AMAMI) is a Python package that bundles a set of commands to handle ACCESS models input and output files.
- 3
Remove dynamic import mechanism in parsers
#41 opened by truth-quark - 5
Refactoring: remove helpers.get_abspath()
#42 opened by truth-quark - 1
Implement CI for unit testing and coverage
#27 opened by atteggiani - 2
Remove exit flow control from logging
#40 opened by truth-quark - 8
Refactor loggers module
#18 opened by truth-quark - 0
Implement unit testing for amami using pytest
#37 opened by atteggiani - 1
Refactor the um2nc submodel
#11 opened by atteggiani - 0
perform unit testing for the `um_utils` module
#38 opened by atteggiani - 1
Unit test data for um2nc
#17 opened by truth-quark - 4
- 3
Expected usage types?
#16 opened by truth-quark - 0
Requirements documentation
#21 opened by truth-quark - 0
Add license as header to all source code files
#24 opened by atteggiani - 0
Refactor "empty" packages to modules
#20 opened by truth-quark - 6
Refactor stash_utils submodule
#22 opened by truth-quark - 0
Refactor Amami class
#35 opened by atteggiani - 1
Replace "magic numbers" with constants
#29 opened by atteggiani - 0
- 0
Refactor parsers submodule
#32 opened by atteggiani - 0
Refactor loggers module
#31 opened by atteggiani - 9
Enable um2nc entrypoint without install
#12 opened by truth-quark - 0
Check if any functionality is duplicated and replaceable with existing dependencies
#28 opened by atteggiani - 0 - Add possibility to use netCDF files without some dimensions (if not needed)
#2 opened by atteggiani - 0
Write amami documentation page
#26 opened by atteggiani - 0
Set up packaging for `Pypi` release
#25 opened by atteggiani - 0
Add workflow for release
#9 opened by atteggiani - 1
Add pre-commit step for for code formatting
#10 opened by atteggiani - 5
- 2
Rename 'core' folder to 'subcommands'
#14 opened by atteggiani - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Set subfunction parsers dynamically
#8 opened by atteggiani - 0
Add history of modification in UM files
#5 opened by atteggiani - 1
Delete amami/data/metoffice_stash_page ?
#19 opened by truth-quark - 0
Remove .eggs directory
#6 opened by truth-quark - 0
Remove the build directory
#7 opened by truth-quark