
Repo for the development of a webapp of the contrast package for easy estimation

Primary LanguageVue

Estimation Stats

A Flask webapp to enable users to perform estimation-based visualization and analysis of data. Webapp at www.estimationstats.com/#/

Note: On 13 April 2023, adamcc changed the repo name from contrast-webapp to estimationstats. This may break some of these installation instructions.


  1. Install NodeJs https://nodejs.org/en/download/

  2. Install vue-cli.

npm install -g @vue/cli
  1. Install required node modules.
cd contrast-webapp/webapp/static
npm install


npm run dev

It will start an express server for frontend. Hot reload will be enabled, when you edit a source file, the browser will be auto reload.

You will need start the Python server also, so the frontend can work properly. In a new Terminal window, enter

cd contrast-webapp # the root directory of this repo
python run.py

The frontend is using for API calls. If you use another port for Python server, you should modify method getBaseURL in common.js file.


To bundle all required resource file to contrast-webapp/webapp/static/dist folder, run

npm run build


First, create and add the staging remote to your repo.

heroku git:remote -a staging-remote-appname
git remote rename heroku staging

Then, push the testing branch to the master branch on the staging remote.

git push staging testing-branch:master


git push live master