
Primary LanguageVerilog

Privacy Preserving Localization

This project is a simulation of the privacy preserving localization protocol for smart cars presented in [1]. For privacy preserving computation it employs

  • TinyGarble framework [2] for privacy preserving computation using Yao's Garbled Circuits (GC).
  • Semi-Honest-BMR framework [3] for privacy preserving computation using BMR.

C++ Source Code

First, install the dependencies required by TinyGarble (described in the README file of the TinyGarble repository).

Then compile by first configuring CMake and then calling make inside the bin directory.

  $ ./configure
  $ cd bin
  $ make
  $ cd ..

Usage for the generated binary file TriLoc is as follows

  -h [ --help ]                           produce help message
  -l [ --lost ]                           the lost car
  -a [ --assisting ]                      an assisting car
  -p [ --ports ] arg (=1111, 2222, 3333)  socket ports, the lost car opens 3 ports, each assisting car connects to one of them
  -s [ --server_ip ] arg (=     server ip of lost car
  -d [ --data_file ] arg (=../../test_data/location_data.txt)
                                          file containing <x,y> coordinates of the assisting cars and their respective distances from the lost car

We assume that all the assisting cars know their locations and respective distances from the lost car and read them from the location data file.

Example run: GC. It uses the default location data file at test_data/location_data.txt.

Terminal 1: $ bin/CPP_src//TriLoc -l -p 1111 2222 3333
Terminal 2: $ bin/CPP_src//TriLoc -a -p 1111
Terminal 3: $ bin/CPP_src//TriLoc -a -p 2222
Terminal 4: $ bin/CPP_src//TriLoc -a -p 3333

Example run: BMR. It uses the default location data files at test_data.

Terminal 1: $ ../Semi-Honest-BMR/BMRPassive.out 0 Netlist/syn/TriLoc_BMR_8.bmr test_data/lost.txt test_data/ip.txt 43739841701238781571456410093f43 0
Terminal 2: $ ../Semi-Honest-BMR/BMRPassive.out 1 Netlist/syn/TriLoc_BMR_8.bmr test_data/assisting1.txt test_data/ip.txt  43739841701238781571456410093f43 0
Terminal 3: $ ../Semi-Honest-BMR/BMRPassive.out 2 Netlist/syn/TriLoc_BMR_8.bmr test_data/assisting2.txt test_data/ip.txt  43739841701238781571456410093f43 0
Terminal 4: $ ../Semi-Honest-BMR/BMRPassive.out 3 Netlist/syn/TriLoc_BMR_8.bmr test_data/assisting3.txt test_data/ip.txt  43739841701238781571456410093f43 0


MATLAB Simulation

The MATALB implementation of the triangle localization method in non-privacy preserving setting is included in the MAT_SIM directory. It also include code for analysing the error associated with the localization method (note that the privacy preserving computation does not introduce any additional error).

Verilog Simulation

To simulate with Xilinx Vivado create the Vivado project with TriLoc_Vivado.tcl in the Netlist directory. To create the project, in Vivado tcl console run

source TriLoc_Vivado.tcl

To update the project

cd [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]
write_project_tcl -force -target_proj_dir TriLoc_Vivado TriLoc_Vivado.tcl

Generating Netlist

Netlist generation requires the TinyGarbleCircuitSynthesis library.

The Netlist directory includes the Verilog implementation of the functions required by the Yao's GC protocol:

  • Intersection: to compute the pair of intersections of two circles. It has two implementations- with sequential and combinational implementations of the square root function.
  • Inside: to check which one of the intersections is inside a third circle
  • One_vertex: combination of Intersection and Inside to compute one vertex of the triangle
  • Median: to compute the median of the triangle
  • TriLoc: combination of One_vertex and Median to compute the final location

Intersection and Inside netlists are used in the GC based protocol and the TriLoc netlist is used in the BMR based protocol.

To compile the Verilog files to netlists with Synopsys DC, run inside Netlist/dc/

$ ./compile.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6

$1, $2,$3, $4, $5, $6 are flags for intersections_seq.v, intersections_comb.v, inside.v, one_vertex.v, median_x_3.v, TriLoc_BMR.v respectively. Set them to 1 to compile the corresponding Verilog files, otherwise set them to 0.

To compile the TriLoc code to netlists with Yosys, run inside Netlist/dc/

$ yosys -s TriLoc_BMR_syn.yos

To generate the SCD files required by TinyGarble call V2SCD_Main in TinyGarbleCircuitSynthesis/Verilog2SCD.

$ ../TinyGarbleCircuitSynthesis/Verilog2SCD/bin/V2SCD_Main -i Netlist/syn/<file>.v -o Netlist/syn/<file>.scd --log2std

To generate the circuit file required by BMR call V2BMR_Main in TinyGarbleCircuitSynthesis/Verilog2BMR.

$ ../TinyGarbleCircuitSynthesis/Verilog2BMR/bin/V2BMR_Main -i Netlist/syn/TriLoc_BMR_8.v -b Netlist/syn/TriLoc_BMR_8.bmr -p 16 16 16 27 --log2std

The bit length can be changed by changing the parameter N. Also set the macros accordingly in CPP_src\tri_loc.h. Netlists and SCD files with bit length 8 is already provided inside the Netlist\syn directory.


[1] Siam U. Hussain, and Farinaz Koushanfar, "Privacy Preserving Localization for Smart Automotive Systems." Design Automation Conference, 2016, June, 2016.

[2] Ebrahim M. Songhori, Siam U. Hussain, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Thomas Schneider and Farinaz Koushanfar, "TinyGarble: Highly Compressed and Scalable Sequential Garbled Circuits." Security and Privacy, 2015 IEEE Symposium on, May, 2015.

[3] Aner Ben-Efraim, Yehuda Lindell, and Eran Omri, "Optimizing Semi-Honest Secure Multiparty Computation for the Internet", ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Oct, 2016.