
Android Rudimentary Four Function Integer Calculator

Primary LanguageJava


Android Rudimentary Four Function Integer Calculator

Java for Android MOOC - Vanderbilt University

In this mini-project the program logic needed to complete a simple calculator app in Java, was developed. This app performs integer arithmetic on values entered via components defined using Android’s user interface (or UI). We’ll supply you with skeleton code that implements the calculator’s UI in Android. The app you implement should meet the following requirements:

• The UI we provide allows the user to enter two integer values and to select one of four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.

• After supplying the two integer values and pressing the “CALCULATE” button on the UI, three entities will be provided to the Java code you write: the two integer values entered by the user and the operation they selected to perform on these values.

• Your code must then perform the necessary computation and print a string that contains the final answer in the expected form. out.print(String) is how you will display the results to the App’s screen.

  • Guidelines for source code aesthetics (such as commenting, indentation, spacing, and identifier names). • Creating additional helper methods as needed • Using meaningful variable and method names • Making the code more readable by using "white-space" and blank lines appropriately and • Explaining tricky pieces of code with useful comments