

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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This project is an attempt at adding gensym functionality to LFE, giving hackers a mechanic to help avoid the accidental capture of identifiers when writing macros.

Simple Tutorial

If LFE is your first exposure to Lisp, you might not have come across gensym before, so I will attempt to describe it here and show an example of its usage.

First, let us consider the following trivial macro:

(defmacro square (value)
  `(* ,value ,value))

At first glance, the macro is simple enough; it generates code that multiplies value by itself. This is a highly trivialised example that you will probably never see in the real world.

Now, let us imagine that square is invoked with a function as its argument. Imagine that the function is:

(defun random (limit)
  (erlang:trunc (* (rand:uniform) limit)))

What happens when we invoke (square (random 10))? Place bets now.

Let's walk through an exansion:

  (square (random 10))
⇒ (* (random 10) (random 10))
⇒ (* 3 (random 10))
⇒ (* 3 8)
⇒ 24

Unless you already knew about this issue, this result is probably not what you were expecting.

This is where gensym comes into play. The gensym function itself returns a fresh symbol that can be used inside a macro body in order to provide a means of temporarily storing a value.

We could re-write square in this way:

(defmacro square (value)
  (let ((temp (gensym)))
    `(let ((,temp ,value))
       (* ,temp ,temp))))

Now when we invoke (square (random 10)), the following expansion occurs:

  (square (random 10))
⇒ (let ((sym_1 (random 10)))
    (* sym_1 sym_1))
⇒ (let ((sym_1 8))
    (* sym_1 sym_1)
⇒ (let ((sym_1 8))
    (* 8 sym_1)
⇒ (let ((sym_1 8))
    (* 8 8)
⇒ 64

As you can see, this technique allows us to ensure that evaluation only occurs once.

This might look like a lot of typing, but imagine we could do something like:

(defun square (x)
  (with-gensyms (temp)
    `(let ((,temp ,x))
       (* ,temp ,temp))))

Turns out that we can. This package provides an with-gensyms macro in include/lfe_gensym.lfe.

What if we want to write the square macro like this:

(defun square (x)
  (once-only (x)
    `(* ,x ,x)))

Turns out that we can write the macro like this, too. This package also provides a once-only macro in include/lfe_gensym.lfe.


Atom table limit

In an attempt to avoid causing Erlang to hard crash due to exhaustion of the atom table, this gensym implementation defaults to allowing only 10% of the atom table to be used for gensym's purposes. Once this limit is reached, gensym will return a symbol that already exists. This should not cause any issues, however.

With that said, this has not been tested with distributed code, so caveat emptor.

Symbol naming

Unlike other Lisps where gensym takes an argument and/or variables like *gensym-counter* can be modified to influence the name and/or numeric component of the next symbol generated, this implementation takes zero arguments. This is to help prevent atom table exhaustion, and should not have any detrimental affect on code, but it is something to watch out for when porting code from other Lisp implementations.


GENSYM [function]



Arguments and Values:

  • new-symbol — a fresh symbol.


Creates and returns a new symbol. The symbol's prefix is of the form sym_; e.g. sym_1. The number is incremented each time.

The value of number is that of gensym_counter.


(gensym) ⇒ sym_24

Side Effects:

The resulting symbol is really an Erlang atom, and is interned in Erlang's atom table.

Will increment gensym_counter.

Should the gensym counter reach the limit (as returned by gensym_limit), the counter will wrap around to 1.

Affected By:

  • gensym_counter

See Also:


  1. Unlike Common Lisp or Maclisp, it is not possible to modify the name of the generated symbol. This is to try to avoid allowing one to shoot oneself in the foot by creating too many Erlang atoms.




Arguments and Values:

  • number — a non-negative integer.


Returns a numeric value that will be used in constructing the name of the next symbol generated by gensym.


(gensym_counter) ⇒ 18
(gensym) ⇒ sym_18
(gensym_counter) ⇒ 19

Affected By:

  • gensym

See Also:


  1. Unlike Common Lisp, this is a function and not a variable.

GENSYM_LIMIT [function]



Arguments and Values:

  • number — a non-negative integer.


Returns the maximum amount of symbols that may be created by gensym.


(gensym_limit) ⇒ 104857

See Also:


  1. The gensym limit shall be considered to be a value that is approximate to 10% of the Erlang atom table size. This can be changed with the -t CLI argument.

ONCE-ONLY [macro]


once-only (symbol_1 symbol_n ... ) form ... )result

Arguments and Values:

  • symbol — a symbol.
  • form — a form.
  • result — a form.


Execute form in a context where the values bound to the symbols in symbol_1 through n are bound to fresh gensyms, and the symbols in symbol_1 through n are bound to the corresponding gensym.

This macro ensures that symbols passed as variables are only executed once within the context of the body form.

Taken from Peter Norvig's Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming.


  (defun random (limit)
     (erlang:trunc (* (rand:uniform) limit))
⇒ random
  (defmacro square (x)
    (once-only (x)
      `(* ,x ,x)))
⇒ square
  (macroexpand-all '(square (random 10)) $ENV)
⇒ (let ((sym_1 (random 10)))
    (call 'erlang '* sym_1 sym_1))
  (square (random 10))
⇒ 64

See Also:

SYSTEM_INFO [function]


system_info(tuple limit count )

Arguments and Values:**

  • limit — a non-negative integer.
  • count — a non-negative integer.


Returns information about the gensym system.

Limit is the maximum number of symbols that can be generated with gensym. Count is the total number of symbols that have been created with gensym.


(lfe_gensym:system_info) ⇒ #(104857 0)
(lfe_gensym:gensym) ⇒ sym_1
(lfe_gensym:system_info) ⇒ #(104857 1)

Affected By:

  • gensym

See Also:



with-gensym (symbol_1 symbol_n ... ) form ... )result

Arguments and Values:

  • variable — a symbol.
  • form — a form.
  • result — a form.


Execute form in a context where the values bound to the symbols in symbol_1 through n are bound to fresh gensyms

Taken from Paul Graham's On Lisp.


  (defmacro nif (val pos zero neg)
    (with-gensyms (thing)
      `(let ((,thing ,val))
        (cond ((> ,thing 0)  ,pos)
              ((== ,thing 0) ,zero)
              (else          ,neg)))))
⇒ nif
  (macroexpand-all '(nif 42 'positive 'zero 'negative) $ENV)
⇒ (let ((sym_14 42))
    (if (call 'erlang '> sym_14 0)
      (progn 'positive)
      (if (call 'erlang '== sym_14 0)
          (progn 'zero)
          (progn 'negative))))
  (nif 42
    (io:format "Positive~n" '())
    (io:format "Zero~n" '())
    (io:format "Negative~n" '()))
⇒ Positive

See Also: