
Jump in. Zip up. Build great apps.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Jumpsuit is still under active development, so any feedback is welcome and appreciated!

A powerful and efficient Javascript framework that helps you build great apps. It is the fastest way to write scalable React/Redux with the least overhead.

  • No boilerplate
  • Minimalist API
  • Built-in support for ES6
  • Components powered by React
  • State based on Redux
  • CLI powered by Browserify
  • HSR (Hot State Reloading)

Why another Javascript framework?

Just read this.

Javascript fatigue is a real thing, especially in the React/Webpack/Redux world where there are so many options to choose from. Jumpsuit brings together the best standards in the industry with the least amount of headache. It should be easy for a developer of any skill level to get started writing great apps without spending hours setting them up.

Getting Started


$ npm install -g jumpsuit-cli

You can also use Jumpsuit with your own build system if you don't like ours. We'll only cry a little bit.

$ npm install --save jumpsuit

Quick Start

# Create a new project
$ jumpsuit new myProjectName
$ cd myProjectName

# Watch for changes
$ jumpsuit watch

# View your project
$ open localhost:8000


Using Jumpsuit in your project? Show it off!

built with jumpsuit v0.7

[![built with jumpsuit v0.7](https://img.shields.io/badge/built%20with%20jumpsuit-v0.7-3A54AD.svg)](https://github.com/jumpsuit/jumpsuit)



  <title>Jumpsuit Example</title>
  <div id="app"></div>
  <script src="app.js"></script>
// Yep, that's all you have to import
import { Render, State, Component } from 'jumpsuit'

// Create a state with some actions
const CounterState = State('counter', {

  // Initial State
  initial: { count: 0 },

  // Actions
  increment (state, payload) {
    return { count: ++state.count }
  decrement (state, payload) {
    return { count: --state.count }

// Create a component
const Counter = Component({
  render() {
    return (
        <h1>{ this.props.counter.count }</h1>
        <button onClick={ () => CounterState.increment() }>Increment</button>
        <button onClick={ () => CounterState.decrement() }>Decrement</button>

}, (state) => ({
  // Subscribe to the counter state (will be available via this.props.counter)
  counter: state.counter

// Render your app!
  counter: CounterState
}, <Counter/>)


Component (config, stateMappingFn)

  • Creates a new simple or stateful component.
  • Parameters
    • config Object
      • A react-class config
    • stateMappingFn(state)
      • An optional function that subscribes the component to the state
      • Must return an object, which will be available via the component's props
  • Returns
    • React Component
  • Simple Component
      import { Component } from 'jumpsuit'
      const SayHello = Component({
        render() {
          return (
              <button onClick={ this.sayHello }>Say Hello</button>
  • Stateful Component
      import { Component } from 'jumpsuit'
      const Counter = Component({
        render() {
          return (
              Count: { this.props.count }
      // Subscribe to the count property on the count state
      }, (state) => {
        return {
          count: state.counter.count

State (name, config, detachedState)

  • Creates a new state instance

  • Parameters

    • name String
      • A unique name for this state
    • config Object
      • initial
        • An object or value representing the initial properties for this state
      • ...actionName(state, payload)
        • Actions (functions) that transform your your current state. They receive the current state as the first parameter and any payload used by the caller as the second. Returns a new partial state object to be merged with the existing state.
        • Notes on immutability: Any object returned will be automatically assigned to a new copy of the state object. This means you don't need to use Object.assign on the root object of your returns, but you will however need to maintain immutability for nested properties. If you're not sure what this means, see the state/todos.js file in the Todo List example for reference.
    • detachedState Boolean
      • If set to true, the state will not be attached to the underlying redux instance, and cannot be combined with other states. This basically creates a state machine that you can use how you please.
  • Returns

    • State Reducer function - can be used directly in the Render method, or combined with other states using State.combine. It also has these these prototype methods:
      • .getState()
        • Returns the current state of the instance
      • .dispatch()
        • The underlying redux dispatcher
      import { State } from 'jumpsuit'
      const CounterState = State({
        initial: { count: 0 },
        increment (state, payload) {
          return { count: ++state.count }
        set (state, payload) {
          return { count: payload }
        reset (state) {
          return { count: 0 }
      // Call the methods normally. No action creators or dispatch required.
      // CounterState.getState() === { count: 1 }
      // CounterState.getState() === { count: 5 }
      // CounterState.getState() === { count: 0 }

Render (state, component)

  • Renders your app to div#app
  • Parameters
    • state or {states}
      • A single state or state combining object. If passing a an object, the property names must use the state name they correspond to.
    • component
      • The root Jumpsuit/React Component of your app
    • Single State
        import { Render } from 'jumpsuit'
        import Counter from './containers/counter'
        import CounterState from './states/counter'
        Render(CounterState, <Counter/>)
    • Combined State
        import { Render } from 'jumpsuit'
        import App from './containers/app'
        import CounterState from './states/counter'
        import TimerState from './states/timer'
        const state = {
          counter: CounterState, // CounterState's name is 'counter'
          timer: TimerState // TimerState's name is 'timer'
        Render(state, <App/>)


  • Jumpsuit's built-in router
      import { Render, Router, IndexRoute, Route } from 'jumpsuit'
      Render(state, (
          <IndexRoute component={ Home }/>
          <Route path="/counter" component={ Counter }/>


  • Renders a component at the specified route
      import { Render, Router, Route } from 'jumpsuit'
      import Counter from './components/counter'
      Render(state, (
          <Route path="/counter" component={ Counter }/>


  • Renders a component at the index route of your app
      import { Render, Router, Route } from 'jumpsuit'
      import Home from './components/home'
      Render(state, (
          <IndexRoute component={ Home }/>

Middleware (...middlewares)

  • A method for registering middleware into the underlying redux instance
      import { Render, Middleware } from 'jumpsuit'
      const myMiddleware = store => next => action => {
        let result = next(action)
        return result
      Middleware(myMiddleware, ...OtherMiddleWares)
      Render(state, <App/>)

Build System & CLI

CLI Usage


    jumpsuit <command> [options]


    new [dir] [example]   start a new project at the specified
                          directory using an optional example template

    init [example]        start a new project in the current directory
                          using an optional example template

    watch                 build initial app and wait for file changes
    build                 create a production-ready version of app
    serve                 run the static server


    -p, --port            specify the port you want to run on
    -h, --host            specify the host you want to run on
    -v, --version         show jumpsuit version number


An optional (but recommended) file at your project's root that can contain any of the following customizations:

// Defaults
module.exports = {
  sourceDir: 'src', // Where source files are located
  outputDir: 'dist', // Where your built files will be placed
  assetsDir: 'assets', // Relative to your sourceDir, everything in here is placed in the root of your outputDir directory.

  assetsIgnoreExtensions: [], // If you don't want any files in your assets to copy over, ignore them here. eg ['*.scss']

  entry: 'app.js', // Jumpsuit starts building here, relative to your sourceDir

  prodSourceMaps: true, // Whether we should output sourcemaps in your production builds

  hsr: {
    maxAge: 1000, // Max age for Hot State Replacement
    shouldCatchErrors: true // Should Hot State replacement catch errors?

  server: {
    host: 'localhost', // The host we serve on when watching
    port: 8000, // The port we serve on when watching

  // More customizations available for browserify
  browserify: {
    extensions: ['.js'],
    rebundles: [],
    transforms: [],
    globals: {}

  // Note: By default style hooks are disabled. Standard css files should be placed in your assetsDir

  // Style hooks (see Common CSS Configs for example usage)
  styles: {
    extensions: [], // Extensions of style files in your srcDir that will be watch and passed to the action below on change
    action: null // A debounced function that should return all of your css as a string (supports a promise). Debounced by default by 300ms

Common CSS Configs



var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
var stylus = require('stylus')
var nib = require('nib')

module.exports = {
  styles: {
    extensions: ['.css', '.styl'],
    action: buildStyles
var stylusEntry = path.resolve('src/app.styl')

function buildStyles(){
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    stylus.render(fs.readFileSync(stylusEntry, 'utf8'), {
      'include css': true,
      'hoist atrules': true,
      compress: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
      paths: [path.resolve('src')],
      use: nib()
    }, function(err, css){
      if (err) reject(err)



var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
var sass = require('node-sass')

module.exports = {
  styles: {
    extensions: ['.css', '.scss'],
    action: buildStyles
var sassEntry = path.resolve('src/app.styl')

function buildStyles(){
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      file: sassEntry,
      outputStyle: 'compressed'
    }, function(err, res) {
      if (err){
        return reject(err)


Jason Maurer Tanner Linsley
Jason Maurer Tanner Linsley


MIT © Jumpsuit