403: Client error - request will be discarded
aronyi opened this issue · 7 comments
While debugging acra 403 error appears.
initAcra {
reportFormat = StringFormat.JSON
httpSender {
uri = "http://xxxxx:8089/app/1/report"
basicAuthLogin = "****"
basicAuthPassword = "******"
httpMethod = HttpSender.Method.POST
sendReportsInDevMode = true
- Android: 14 and 11
- ACRA: 5.11.3
- Acrarium setup:
Followed the following guide:
but needed to use port 8089 instead of 8080.
This issue was already reported some time ago, but no solution was reported..
Question is still the same. Do you see anything in the server logs?
Unfortunately there aren't any error logs, since I have installed version 5.11.3 (it was today past 17 o clock).
As you see the latest error is from 2024-01-18 14:02:58.
Previously I had installed v.4.11.1 of acra, so those errors listed at the bottom are all related to v.4.11.1.
Was trying firstly with the credentials, which were auto generated on first login into acrarium, after that I tried to create an dedicated user to use ('api'). But with this user it is also not working.
you need the reporter credentials shown when you create the app (can recreate in admin tab). Users are not for reporting.
yes, of course I tried them in the first place and now again another time (freshly generated them once again), to be sure. Those credentials I meant with the 'auto generated' ones.
After that addtiontionally tried to create specific users for that, just to try if it might work.
But the link is the correct one?
Because in acrarium I have renamed the app to some string, but if I open the monitoring dashboard the url still matches this path (/app/1/report)
No, the url should be just /report
, the app is inferred from the reporter
nice :) with this change it is working!!
Really appreciate your fast help and your great software! 🥇
Ride on! ;)
To make this thread a bit more value adding for others:
So before I tried the acra library 4.11.1
Here I have tried out all possibilities out there.
Setting the formUrl to only '/report'.
& Using the reporter credentials
But I still received that 403 error..
So I migrated from 4.11.1 to 5.11.3
For that I needed to restructure other library dependencies, but it was totally worth it, cause now it is working like charme.