- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#1184 opened by renovate - 6
Kotlin Compile Version Mismatch
#1267 opened by BiswajitBharati - 2
Notification channel sound
#1395 opened by ElliotAl86 - 1
- 4
Help creating a custom sender
#1356 opened by GregCornis - 2
Does ACRA catch ANR ?
#1352 opened by GregCornis - 2
- 4
mailSender is not working on android 14
#1327 opened by cr4sh-me - 8
- 7
403: Client error - request will be discarded
#1288 opened by aronyi - 3
- 3
MailSender does not open GMail (Android 14)
#1197 opened by BlazeCodeDev - 2
Java 17 support
#1272 opened by paulwyszynski - 0
AndroidStudio couldn't find the class 'MailSenderConfiguration or MailSenderConfigurationBuilder' Again.
#1258 opened by mic-user - 3
AndroidStudio couldn't find the class 'MailSenderConfiguration or MailSenderConfigurationBuilder'
#1257 opened by mic-user - 6
HttpSender sends an empty body in ACRA 5.11.1
#1252 opened by aloz77 - 3
- 0
ACRA incompatible with Cronet
#1227 opened by fabrantes - 2
Custom Extensions and KSP support
#1230 opened by DenBond7 - 3
HTTP Multipart Report Filename
#1215 opened by theBlbDan - 2
Mac Address in os 11
#1220 opened by techker - 6
No leading boundary when using POST withAttachmentUris
#1212 opened by theBlbDan - 15
Send email report not working on Android 13 and Gmail
#1179 opened by arcanewater - 1
Mitigate duplicates in the ReportContent
#1193 opened by Backfisch145 - 1
How can I find api for server?
#1204 opened by amira133 - 6
Filter exceptions
#1194 opened by henrichg - 2
Notification does not launch intent
#1191 opened by jefflongo - 1
Notification - Not posted. PendingIntents attached to actions with remote inputs must be mutable
#1190 opened by zamojski - 0
Missing page in wiki
#1189 opened by BenniHackstock - 18
MailSender does not launch
#1146 opened by jefflongo - 4
- 8
Custom ReportSender is not called
#1132 opened by henrichg - 1
Other platforms
#1181 opened by techker - 26
Not working send e-mail with GMail on Android 13
#1118 opened by henrichg - 2
- 2
HttpSender not sending anything
#1163 opened by aminecmi - 0
- 2
Replace MediaCodecCollector
#1144 opened by JeanPaulLucien - 1
- 1
- 1
Acra does not send reports on Andoid 4.2.2
#1140 opened by JeanPaulLucien - 0
How many methods in Acra?
#1141 opened by JeanPaulLucien - 1
Some Directory getFile methods are redudant or not safe at various supported API levels
#1091 opened by Zardozz - 0
CoreConfiguration.sharedPreferencesName defaults to null but is compared to "" to check for "unset"
#1113 opened by mikehardy - 4
[Community] Matrix chat room?
#1108 opened by Doomsdayrs - 4
could i catch and report exception within try catch?
#1105 opened by ZhouBey - 2
New process started by ACRA causes Firebase Crashlytics to crash with IllegalStateException
#1096 opened by tciolkowskiN7 - 2
- 0
Dialog title not set
#1086 opened by r748 - 2
Cannot resolve symbol 'ACRA'
#1085 opened by r748