
Simple, extendable framework for loading ACT products from disk.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



Simple, extendable framework for loading ACT products from disk.



All other dependencies (e.g. numpy etc.) are required by packages listed here, especially by pixell.


Clone this repo and cd to /path/to/actapack/:

$ pip install .


$ pip install -e .

to see changes to source code automatically updated in your environment.


All users must create a file .actapack_config.yaml in their system's HOME directory. This file encodes the location on their system of products implemented in the actapack package. It also groups a set of these locations under data model "names," such as act_dr6v3_default (see actapack/datamodels). This way, different data models may have their products in different locations on the system.

To facilitate setup, we have provided some .actapack_config.yaml files for common public systems, such as NERSC, in the actapack_configs folder for users to copy. However, we recommend reading this section regardless to understand these files in case changes are necessary, or if you'd like to install actapack on your laptop, for instance.

We'll start with a basic example. Let's assume you wish to interact with the act_dr6v3_default data model. Let's also assume that actapack currently implements map and beam products in actapack/products/maps and actapack/products/beams, along with possibly more products in different actapack/products modules as well. Then, your .actapack_config.yaml file might look like this:

        default_path: "/path/to/default/maps/on/this/system/"
        pwv_split_path: "/path/to/pwv_split/maps/on/this/system/"
        default_path: "/path/to/default/beams/on/this/system/"

First, we must have a block for the data model (act_dr6v3_default) we wish to use. Under this block, we must have "product"-level blocks for each product implementation (e.g. maps, beams) we wish to interact with. The name of these "product" blocks must match the module in which the product is implemented (e.g. maps for actapack/products/maps/__init__.py). Finally, within each "product" block, we may have several "subproducts." These "subproducts" share the same code interface (again, in actapack/products/maps/__init__.py), but may just be different "kinds" of maps. The name of each "subproduct" is indicated by the words before _path. The system path for that product/subproduct pair is then listed. For example, all the possible files for pwv_split maps should be in the directory "/path/to/pwv_split/maps/on/this/system/".

A few notes:

  • A user's .actapack_config.yaml may have several different "data model" blocks, so that they can select from their desired data model at runtime.
  • It is not necessary to have a "product" block for every product in a data model. In this example, if you omit the beams block, then a call to load a beam from disk (for any beam "subproduct") would raise an error, but the other products, like maps, would be unaffected. Thus, users do not need to make any other changes to actapack or their setup if some products do not exist on their system.
  • It is not necessary to have a "subproduct" path for every subproduct in a product. In this example, if you omit the pwv_split_path from the maps block, then a call map methods with the keyword argument subproduct='pwv_split' would raise an error without affecting other subproducts. Thus, users do not need to make any other changes to actapack or their setup if some subproducts do not exist on their system.
  • By convention, the default "subproduct" passed to the methods in each product implementation (e.g. read_map in actapack/products/maps/__init__.py) is called "default". Thus, most "product" blocks in a .actapack_config.yaml file will have, at minimum, a default_path. However, there is nothing special about this name as far as whether it must be present or may be omitted from the .actapack_config.yaml file.


All you need in your code is the following (e.g. for the act_dr6v3_default data model):

from actapack import DataModel

dm = DataModel.from_config('act_dr6v3_default')

my_default_map_filename = dm.get_map_fn(...)
my_pwv_split_map = dm.read_map(..., subproduct='pwv_split')
my_beam_fn = dm.get_beam_fn(...)

Users should only ever interface with the high-level DataModel class. This class inherits from all implemented actapack products!

If you would like to contribute a product to actapack

There are four steps:

  1. Create a new product folder in the actapack/products directory. Add to this folder a python module named __init__.py.

    • The module should only contain a subclass of the actapack.products.products.Product class.
    • There is a minimum prescription your subclass implementation must follow. You should not modify the class declaration or __init__ method, and you must modify the actapack.products.products.Product methods decorated with @productmethod. To make it easy, a template of this implementation (for a product called HotDog) can be copied from actapack/products/hotdogs/__init__.py. Note the template has more detail on how to implement your product class. You can also look at e.g. actpack.products.maps.Map for inspiration.
    • Anything beyond this minimal perscription can be added if your product has more complicated features!
  2. Make sure your product is imported directly by the actapack.products package. For instance, if your folder was named hotdogs, then add this line to actapack.products.__init__.py:

    from .hotdogs import *
  3. Add a config (or multiple configs if you have multiple product versions, or subproducts, etc.) to actapack/products/{module_name}. Following the hotdog example, there is a config file hotdog_example.yaml in actapack/products/hotdogs.

    • This must be a .yaml file.
    • This should contain any information to help get filenames for your product or load them from disk, such as a template filename. For instance, given a set of keyword arguments array='pa6', freq='f090', num_splits=8, condiment='mustard', the hotdog_file_template string in hotdog_example.yaml would format to pa6_f090_8way_mustard.txt (the actual formatting would occur in your HotDog class's get_hotdog_fn method).
    • You must have an allowed_qids_configs block. If your subproduct is agnostic to qids, this can be all; otherwise, it must list the individual qids_config files (in actapack/qids) that this subproduct may work with.
    • You must have an allowed_qids block. If your product methods use a qid to provide keywords to filename templates, then the permissible qid(s) for that product must be listed here. May also be all or left blank if no qid(s) work with your subproduct. For instance, a call to HotDog.read_hotdog will raise an error if hotdog_example.yaml is used to configure the calling DataModel instance and the supplied qid is not one of pa4a, pa5a, or pa6a.
    • You must have an allowed_qids_extra_kwargs block. If your template filename requires additional keywords for a given qid than are present in any allowed_qids_configs files (see actapack/qids), those keywords would need to be added here. For instance, the act_dr6_default_qids.yaml file only contains array, freq, patch, and daynight keywords. The num_splits keyword required for the hotdog_file_template is thus added for each permissible qid directly in hotdog_example.yaml, e.g.:
              num_splits: 8
      The allowed_qids_extra_kwargs block may be empty if there are no extra keywords to add for any of the allowed_qids.
  4. Clearly document product implementations and product configs. For example, see the docstrings in the Map class (actapack/products/maps/__init__.py) as well as the maps readme (actapack/products/maps/README.md).

Please commit and push your contribution to a new branch and open a PR on github! If you are updating an old config, please include it under a new file altogether so that historical products may still be loaded at runtime.

If you would like to contribute a data model to actapack

There are one (maybe two) steps:

  1. Create a new data model config in actapack/datamodels.
    • Like the .actapack_config.yaml file, this config must have a block for each product this data model will load. Note, also like the .actapack_config.yaml file, it is not necessary to have a block for every product in actapack, only those that will be functional in this data model. The same goes for subproducts of a product -- include only those that will be functional in this data model. To add a subproduct, include an entry under the associated product block like:
              subprod_config: config.yaml
      where prod and subprod are the names of the product and subproduct that may be called by the DataModel.
    • As in the .actapack_config.yaml file, you should include a default subproduct if this default is obvious.
    • This config file must also have an entry for a qids_config (at the top-level), indicating one of the qid config files under actapack/qids.
  2. Only if one of the included qid config files are not sufficient for your needs, you'll need to add another one with your qids.

Please commit and push your contribution to a new branch and open a PR on github! If you are updating an old config, please include it under a new file altogether so that historical products may still be loaded at runtime.