Damage Detection and Price Estimation of cars.

This project detects damages on cars using derectron2 and also returns the estimated repair cost. The model is deployed using flask and can be executed in local host server.

Link to my blog that contains explaination: https://medium.com/@abhishekchand62/damage-detection-of-cars-and-repair-cost-estimating-86df79544f0a

Steps to run

Run the below commands in the terminal step by step

Create conda environment

python version below should be between 3.7 & 3.9

$conda create -n <env_name> python==<version>
$conda activate <env_name>

Clone this repository

$git clone https://github.com/AChand20/damage-detection-2.git
$cd damage-detection-2

Install dependencies

For windows machine

$pip install -r requirements_windows.txt

For linux machine

$pip install -r requirements_linux.txt

Run the app

$python app.py

