
3rd (current) version of open source gambling marketplace built on Laravel using doctrine. Allows anyone to create line and accept lines. Also generic enough to support custom lines. This is a proof of concept and not to be used without the proper sate/federal licensing. Considering the size of this project a modular approach has been taken. The modules reside under the modules directory.

Primary LanguagePHP

Gambit – Local environment set-up

Prep dev env

Create directory ~/Workspace/vm/profile
Create directory ~/Workspace/vm/box/gambit2
Use http://puphpet.com to generate vagrant config from puphpet/config.yaml file.
Download zip file to ~/Workspace/vm/profile and unzip and rename folder to gambit2.

In console navigate to ~/Workspace/vm/profile/gambit2
Run: vagrant up

This will stand-up the box/environment.

Pull down code

$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /var/www
$ rm -Rf local.gambit
$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:oddz/gambit3.git local.gambit

- Set up IDE env
-- Create project from existing files
-- Connect to gambit database through ssh tunnel

Add .env file (this can't be placed in version control for security reasons)

Install composer and bower packages

$ composer install
$ bower install (this will be replaced with mix... (webpack) hopefully)

Install local project npm packages

$ npm install

Create asset build / distro

$ grunt

Create database tables and seed database

$ php artisan doctrine:migrations:refresh
** verify tables were created

$ php artisan gambit:core:seed
** verify data inside users, customers, and sports_games tables

vhost set-up

On host machine add the following lines to the /etc/hosts file.  local.gambit-a  local.gambit-b

Gambit Architecture


A predictable is an entity which a prediction can be made on. The system currently supports one single type of predictable: event. The concept of making a prediction on an event is the foundation of the entire platform. The architecture is a plugin based based. Therefore, new plugins (predictable) can be added as needed.

Prediction Types

A prediction type is a type of prediction. Different types of predictions will require differing data/options for customers to make their prediction. For example, a money line prediction on a sporting event like a football game only requires one to pick the winning team in the event. However, a point spread prediction on a sporting event also requires a spread. Like the predictable system this is also plugin based. New types of predictions can be added as needed such as a prediction to handle over/under bets.

Sites and Stores

The system has been built to scale and support multiple sites. It is a two tier architecture. The top level tier is referred to as a "site". A single site will share the same customer pool across its store. Each site has a completely separate customer pool. Customer pool as the term implies are all the customers that have registered in the store. Stores are meant to serve the purpose of differing themes or languages for a single site.


The system has three types of products having been built as a glorified ecomm solution. The first type is an advertised line. An advertised line is indirectly created when customers submit a bet slip with a prediction that they have made. Once submitted the advertised line will become available for other customers to accept. The second type of product is a accepted line. An accepted line is a product where the customer accepts the inverse scenario of the advertised line. The last type of product is a credit. To purchase and accept lines credits will be used.

Lines and Advertised Lines

When a customer first enters the exchange they will be able to pick an open event. Once they have choosen an open events they will be able to create a prediction on the event. The customer will be able to do this for x number events. Once the customer is finished they will visit their slip and fill additional details such as; min and max bet, odds, quantity available. The customer will than go through the checkout process. Once the checkout process is complete advertised line will be created. The advertised line will represent a single customers line. There may be x number of advertised lines with the same exact predictions but only a single line with same predictions. Advertised lines are created in a background job that will run in a deferred queue with priority. This done do to the added overhead of checking whether a matching line already exists, updating cached aggregate data, and creating the advertised line.

Accepted Lines

Quotes and Sales

Keeping with the philosophy of an ecomm set-up orders are divided between two parts: quotes and sales. A quote is sale that has not been fulfilled yet and can be thought of as the "cart". Cart in the system is referred to as a slip but cart and slip are essentially synonymous. A slip that has been been submitted is turned into a sale. A sale will contain much of the same data that the quote had for record keeping and fulfillment purposes.


A ledger based system has been implemented to track all sales and transfers of funds between customers and each individual site. The ledger currently supports two types of assets: usd and credits. Two cashbooks are maintained for each site and customer. On cashbook is for external sales that involve exchanging real money for credits and vice versa. The other is an internal cashbook that tracks credit based exchanges only.

Laravel PHP Framework

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Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, queueing, and caching.

Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications. A superb inversion of control container, expressive migration system, and tightly integrated unit testing support give you the tools you need to build any application with which you are tasked.

Official Documentation

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