This project is a Maya plug-in developed in Visual Studio Community 2017. The plug-in is based on the 2014 Siggraph paper PushPull++, written by Markus Lipp, Peter Wonka and Pascal Muller. You can find the plug-in in pushpull\x64\Release\maya_pushpull++.mll. The plug in was tested on Maya 2018 64bit version.
This is one example input.
These are diffent outputs produced by this plug-in.
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Output 4
After loading the plugin into Maya, you will find this menu option in the menu bar.
Click on the menu option and a window will pop up. This is where you set all the parameters.
In this tutorial, our input is a polygonal mesh like the one in the picture below.
We select the top face of the mesh.
Then we tune the parameters and execute the command.
We select the user specified threshold mode, set the direction as normal direction of the selected face, set the threshold of the angle as 90 degrees and distance as 2 units. After set the parameters, we press the button labeled as “MayaPullPush++” to execute the command.