ACupofAir's Blog Source

⚙️ Setup

  1. clone the repertory

    git clone
  2. install hugo-extended

  • on ubuntu(22.04 verify)

    sudo apt install hugo

🧰 Usage

New Post

  • hugo new post/folder_name/ will create
  • hugo new will touch in posts/
  • the default temperate is archetypes/

Tags and Categories Used

  • Tags: note, sum, database, python, compile, diff, electron, git, life, linux, powershell
  • Categories: Course Notes, Python Tips, Shell Tips, New Years Sum

Short Code

  • notice
    • notice table

      type color meaning
      error red very important, must be attentioned
      warning yellow need attention
      note blue useful note, summary
      tip green talented idea, fantastic note
    • notice usage

      {{< notice $type_name >}}
      This is a colorful card.
      {{< /notice >}}

Run Preview Local

  • hugo server --disableFastRender

Deploy to Website

  • Just push the repo to github, I have generated CI system which can auto create public htmls on github.