A simple QR Code scanner framework for iOS. Provides a similar scan effect to ios13+. Written in Swift.
iOS 13.0+ | Use QRScanner in iOS 10.0+ |
"QR Code" is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED
- Similar to iOS 13.0+ design
- Simple usage Sample
- Support for iOS 10.0+
- iOS 10.0+
- Swift: 5.3
- Xcode Version: 12.2
CocoaPods is the recommended method of installing QRScanner.
- Simply add the following line to your
platform :ios, '10.0'
pod 'MercariQRScanner'
- Run command
pod install
- Write Import statement on your source file
import MercariQRScanner
- Move your project dir and create Cartfile
> touch Cartfile
- add the following line to Cartfile
github "mercari/QRScanner"
- Create framework
> carthage update --platform iOS
- In Xcode, move to "General > Build Phase > Linked Frameworks and Libraries"
- Add the framework to your project
- Add a new run script and put the following code
/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks
- Click "+" at Input file and Add the framework path
- Write Import statement on your source file
import QRScanner
See QRScannerSample
import QRScanner
// If use the Pod way, please import MercariQRScanner
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let qrScannerView = QRScannerView(frame: view.bounds)
qrScannerView.configure(delegate: self)
extension ViewController: QRScannerViewDelegate {
func qrScannerView(_ qrScannerView: QRScannerView, didFailure error: QRScannerError) {
func qrScannerView(_ qrScannerView: QRScannerView, didSuccess code: String) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let qrScannerView = QRScannerView(frame: view.bounds)
// Customize focusImage, focusImagePadding, animationDuration
qrScannerView.focusImage = UIImage(named: "scan_qr_focus")
qrScannerView.focusImagePadding = 8.0
qrScannerView.animationDuration = 0.5
qrScannerView.configure(delegate: self)
Setup Custom Class | Customize |
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet var flashButton: FlashButton!
@IBAction func tapFlashButton(_ sender: UIButton) {
qrScannerView.setTorchActive(isOn: !sender.isSelected)
extension ViewController: QRScannerViewDelegate {
func qrScannerView(_ qrScannerView: QRScannerView, didChangeTorchActive isOn: Bool) {
flashButton.isSelected = isOn
qrScannerView.configure(delegate: self, input: .init(isBlurEffectEnabled: true))
Customize |
- Hitsu (@hitsubunnu)
- Sonny (@tedbrosby)
- Daichiro (@daichiro)
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Copyright 2019 Mercari, Inc.
Licensed under the MIT License.