ANITA Green Computing school, held online June 10th and 17th 2021
The school will be run as 4 sets of 90 minute sessions over two days:
- Day 1 is Thursday June 10th from 13:00 AEST (11:00 AWST)
- Day 2 is Thursday June 17th from 13:00 AEST (11:00 AWST)
The four sessions are as follow:
- Introduction, high level optimisation, workflows, and profiling Session 1 slides
- Activity: Simple profiling in bash and python Session 2 slides
- Workflow optimisation, job packing, and containers Day 2 slides
- Activity: Better resource usage via parallelism, containers
- Anaconda or miniconda (recommended)
- Python 3.8 is recommended, 3.6/3.7 are ok. Python 2.7 is end of life and should not be used.
- Python modules as listed in environment.yml or requirements.txt
- (Optional) Docker
- A bash terminal (or similar), OSX/Linux will have this already, Windows users should install GitBash