Account API For Existing Customer

Spring Boot Application

This project provides to create account for existing customers.


The assessment consists of an API to be used for opening a new “current account” of already existing customers.


• The API will expose an endpoint which accepts the user information (customerID, initialCredit).

• Once the endpoint is called, a new account will be opened connected to the user whose ID is customerID.

• Also, if initialCredit is not 0, a transaction will be sent to the new account.

• Another Endpoint will output the user information showing Name, Surname, balance, and transactions of the accounts.

The application has 2 apis

  • AccountAPI
  • CustomerAPI
POST /v1/account - creates a new account for existing customer
GET /v1/customer/{customerId} - retrieves a customer
GET /v1/customer - retrieves all customers

JUnit test coverage is 100% as well as integration tests are available.

Tech Stack

  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Kotlin 1.5.0
  • Restful API
  • OpenAPI documentation
  • H2 In memory database
  • Docker
  • Docker compose
  • JUnit 5
  • ReactJS for frontend


  • Maven
  • Docker

Run & Build

There are 2 ways of run & build the application.

Docker Compose

For docker compose usage, docker images already push to

You just need to run docker-compose up command

$PORT: 8080

$ cd account
$ docker-compose up


For maven usage, you need to change proxy value in the account-fe/package.json file by "http://localhost:8080" due to the default value has been settled for docker image network proxy.

$PORT: 8080

$ cd account/account-api
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run

Swagger UI will be run on this url
