Pitanga Project

Prototype 0.01 Pitanga V1 Pitanga V2.1a
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Welcome to the Pitanga project, my very first PCB design endeavor using KiCad 7.0. This project served as a significant learning experience, allowing me to delve into the world of PCB design, Raspberry Pi extension hats, and various hardware components.

Key Milestones

  • PCB Manufacturing:

    • Initiated with the ordering of the first PCBs (0.01 and 1.0 versions) from PCBWay, marking the beginning of the project.
    • Subsequently transitioned to JLCPCB for future revisions, benefiting from their commendable PCB quality and competitive pricing.
  • Evolution of Design:

    • Progressed from a 2-layer PCB in version 0.01 to a more complex 4-layer design in version 1.0.
    • Experimented with a DC-DC converter in version 2.0, only to return to the simplicity of 2 layers in version 2.1.
  • Technological Exploration:

    • Introduced the utilization of the HT16K33 driver and various LED 5x7 displays.
    • Integrated a set of 5 tactile buttons into the design, establishing a connection with the HT16K33 driver.
    • Expanded the project to include diverse LED displays, ranging from MAN2 to the latest respins of Til-305, encompassing even USSR variants.
  • Supported Displays:

    • The Pitanga supports a variety of displays, including but not limited to:
      • Monsanto MAN 2
      • IEE - LRT1704R
      • DIALCO 745-0005
      • LTEON LTP-305
      • TI Til-305
      • ALS340A
      • ALS340A1
      • 3LS340
      • 3LS363
      • AL104

Learning Journey

The Pitanga project encapsulates my journey in PCB design in KiCad 7.0. Each version of the board represents a step forward in understanding, incorporating new features, and refining the overall design.