
Triggering waves in Nintendo NES sound file NSF music player

Primary LanguageC++

== This is a fork of NSFPlay's source code. It: == 
- Allows native file loading on Linux
- Adds triggering waves for NES triangle and (untested) FDS and N163 wavetables (the only way to access them is thru the nsf2wav executable).
- Improves the nsf2wav executable:
  - Added automatic loop detection, can be overridden with --length-force
  - Added muting and masking of channels
  - Added access to the aforementioned trigger waves

The original Win32 GUI is not touched at all, as I can't be bothered lmao

I (alexmush) will try to update it together with the original repository, as it is far from dead. Features can be suggested and may get added as I continue to improve this software.

I have presumed based on text comments and readme files in the original code that it is distributed freely, and modification and redistribution is permitted. The same permissive license applies to this version of the code I maintain. You may reuse this code without restriction, and no warranty or liability is implied on my part.

== Original README: ==

NSFPlay/NSFPlug source code

This code is maintained by Brad Smith. It is a fork of NSFPlay/NSFPlug by Brezza. The latest version should be available at:
- https://bbbradsmith.github.io/nsfplay/

Unstable preview builds will be automatically generated by Appveyor:
- https://ci.appveyor.com/project/bbbradsmith/nsfplay/branch/master/artifacts

This code contains several modifications to original, see nsfplay.txt for a list of changes.

I have presumed based on text comments and readme files in the original code that it is distributed freely, and modification and redistribution is permitted. The same permissive license applies to this version of the code I maintain. You may reuse this code without restriction, and no warranty or liability is implied on my part.

Feel free to contact me with questions or comments.

Brad Smith
nsfplay AT rainwarrior.ca

Original NSFPlay/NFSPlug project available at: http://www.pokipoki.org/dsa/