

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Let's keep the code documented (higher priority to header files, but implementations should contain short notes as well

  • robot_viz.h header
  • robot_viz.cpp implementation
  • state_wrapper.h header
  • state_wrapper.cpp implementation
  • validity_predicate_aggregate.h header
  • validity_predicate_aggregate.cpp implementation
  • stability_detection.h header
  • stability_detection.cpp implementation
  • cartesio_ompl_planner.h header
  • cartesio_ompl_planner.cpp implementation
  • trajectory_interpolation.cpp header
  • trajectory_interpolation.cpp implementation
  • trajectory_interpolation.cpp header
  • trajectory_interpolation.cpp implementation
  • cartesian_constraint.h header
  • cartesian_constraint.cpp implementation
  • goal_sampler.h header
  • goal_sampler.cpp implementation
  • planner_executor.cpp implementation