
DataPower API Gateway Experimental Feedback

DataPower API Gateway - Experimental


Welcome to the DataPower API Gateway experimental homepage. The purpose of this repository is to gather feedback on the new DataPower API Gateway available on Docker.

Key Benefits

  1. Comprehensive policy set and exceptional performance: When we first introduced DataPower, we wanted to make the gateway flexible to meet any requirements (SOA, Mobile, Web, B2B). The market has now evolved to an API-centric approach and in particular the needs of API providers and consumers. We have learned the best practices and optimizations needed in the gateway for the API usecase. This API gateway is built using DataPower technology (15+ years of Gateway experience) and delivers a first-class policy experience with exceptional performance.

  2. WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get. With the new DataPower API Gateway, there is a one to one relationship between what you drag and drop in the assembly tool and the execution in the gateway. There is no intermediate execution layer within the gateway. As you can assume, this greatly increases performance and decreases time debugging, as the developer knows exactly what should happen on the Gateway.

  3. Unleash the Power of the Gateway The DataPower gateway has so much capabilities; yet, only a subset of functionality is available within API Connect natively. The new API Gateway will have full access to DataPower policies so that it is available within the API Connect assembly experience (new policies will be added in an accelerated rate). Furthermore, you will be able to configure protocol level settings within the same API Connect UI without any manual efforts. For example, if you want to "turn on websockets", you will be able to do that through API Connect UI without having to manually configure the gateway.

What does this all mean?

You will have a faster, agile Gateway with even more capabiltiies. The full Power of DataPower will be available!

Image of Datapower Reboot

Getting Started


Open new issues with questions, commments, or bugs and let us know what you think!