
Intership performed at the LERMA and supervised by David Cornu and Philippe Salomé.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

M1 Internship 2023

Intership performed at the LERMA and supervised by David Cornu and Philippe Salomé.

This repository contains the code I used during my internship.


The objective of the MINERVA team (Machine Learning for Radioastronomy at the Observatoire de Paris) is to enhance their previous results of sources detection and characterization on the LoTSS survey. This internship report focuses on constructing high-confidence catalogs for the LoTSS fields in order to construct later a high-quality training dataset to better train the team’s deep-learning method to take into account specific properties and artifacts of the LOFAR radio-telescope. The catalogs derived from the entire LoTSS field reached satisfactory performances with an average recall of 59.9 ± 15.5% and an average precision of 61.9 ± 7.5%.


Radio-astronomy is experiencing a rebirth in its low-frequency domain, particularly with the development of giant interferometers such as LOFAR, ALMA, NenuFAR, and the upcoming Square Kilometer Array (SKA). These instruments produce large and highly dimensional datasets, presenting challenges for traditional methods of source detection and characterization. In parallel, Machine Learning methods have undergone algorithmic developments that bring them to a high level of maturity for these tasks. The MINERVA project (Machine Learning for Radioastronomy at the Observatoire de Paris) is at the forefront of applying Machine Learning to radio-astronomical datasets. The project led a team that won the second edition of the SKA Science Data Challenges held in 2021(Hartley, et al., 2023), and that was focused on source detection and characterization in a large 3D synthetic cube of HI emission. For this purpose, the team developed a specialized Deep Learning detection method. Their approach not only demonstrated state-of-the-art performance for data challenge 2 but also showed great performance in data challenge 1 (Bonaldi, et al., 2020), which focused on source detection and characterization in synthetic continuum 2D images, as seen in figure 1. Now the team looks forward to using this methodology for real observed datasets in order to construct new source catalogs and explore new ways of combining information from multiple surveys. In particular, the team is interested in the survey LoTSS (the LOFAR Two- metre Sky Survey). The LoTSS DR2 survey consists of a high-resolution low-frequency survey accompanied by a catalog of approximately 4 million radio sources that has been derived by using classical detection tools (Shimwell, et al., 2022). This internship builds upon the work done in a previous M2 internship where a network trained on the SDC1 dataset was applied to the LoTSS survey, yielding satisfactory results. The goal of the internship was to construct a complementary high-confidence training sample, specifically for the LoTSS by refining and combining source catalogs obtained with other detection methods. My internship builds on the results of the previous internship by focusing on the creation of a training set that will refine the network’s training specifically for LoTSS. For that purpose, I had to train in machine learning. Then, I extensively explored the LoTSS DR2 to understand its features and potential challenges. This informed my approach to constructing a highly reliable and comprehensive training set, which is crucial for effective machine-learning training. The method used to build the training set is a classical method, different from the one used for LoTSS DR2 in order to challenge their performance.


Parameters of the catalog are explored in the notebook "Catalog_analysis.ipynb".

You can find the catalog in : https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/ftp/J/A+A/659/A1/

All the explanations are in the file : Info

The catalog is too heavy for GitHub, if you want to run the Notebook "Catalog_analysis.ipynb" You should download the catalog on your own and maybe modify the way the data are stored and called.

Files and content

File name Content
MosaicInsigh.py show_fits ; show_image ; calc_axis ; save_subfits ; dump_fits
corr_fits.py fill_im_hole ; corr_fits ; input_gen ; input_gen_MD
Patch_Management.py (1) fct_IoU ; fct_classical_IoU ; asStride ; poolingOverlap ; NMS_1st
cross_test.py gen_pos ; gen_test
make_cat.py patch_gen ; get_params ; Crea_dendrogram
corr_cat.py Rexcl ; clean_cat
Xmatch.py match_coord ; get_refcat ; get_LoTSS ; test_cat

Note :

(1) : The functions present in this file are (mostlty) written by David Cornu.