
analysis servers , search for permissions and who has permissions. disocrd.py

Primary LanguagePython


bot or tool or code , named as you want . Made for analysis server and you can output all inforamtion about server , who has administrator , manage server , manage role , hidden channels , top 10 roles , roles permissions ...etc You do not need any permissions and You can use it as selfbot

  • output as HTML file . saved in bot or code folder. And there is example for output file [3193033456276864 -Example]
  • Recommend : use Google Chrome to open HTML file.

self_infoserver.py for selfbot [user account] , infoserver.py for bot account.


s c


  • server owner [members, bots].
  • who has [administrator,ban_members,kick_members,manage_server,manage_roles,manage_channels,manage_messages].
  • Top 10 roles and roles permissions.
  • Hidden Text channels with channel ID.
  • Muted members and roles in server , channels.
  • Hidden voice channels with members.


  • python 3.6.X
  • pip

modules :

  • discord.py - make sure to install development version with this command:
python3 -m pip install -U https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py/archive/master.zip#egg=discord.py[voice]


open infoserver.py :

token = "Token Here"

replace token by your own(Line 10)

Start the bot

Note : infoserver.pyfor bot token and self_infoserver.py for self account token.

  • Linux and macOS : python3 infoserver.py
  • Windows : py infoserver.py or just double click [if support]

How to :

 Choose :
  [1]  Analysis All servers You have.
  [2]  Analysis server by ID.
  [3]  List all server You have
  [0]  Exit
  [00] Clear screen ;)

just type number on terminal !

Who am i ?

Ahmad A. Alsrehy

Twitter : @ADsecu