- 1
FLEX_SEARCH_TOO_MANY_OBJECTS - FlexSearch error when try to use postFilter
#324 opened by alexisrcausa - 1
Decorators for code first implementations.
#299 opened by Campbellds1991 - 5
Using @reference for 1:n relationships
#295 opened by phillipcurl - 1
Is it possible to ignore permissions check on a @relation and have id accessible to the permissions-profile?
#285 opened by KK7NZY - 2
Sorting nested fields
#292 opened by samanthamcq - 6
Unsupported filter pattern for graph traversal error thrown when using permissions profile.
#296 opened by KK7NZY - 2
Permisions claim check field with multiple values?
#284 opened by KK7NZY - 0
Dynamic arangodb database change
#127 opened by mihazs - 1
Unable To Complie With Typescript
#134 opened by rasjonell-zz - 3
Is there a solution to pass the (permissions related) "userId" to mutated objects?
#262 opened by frankmayer - 4
Can we use loadProjectFromDir()?
#114 opened by deinspanjer - 11
Project status / roadmap
#140 opened by itsezc - 11
- 1
Schema generation removing non-null rules
#260 opened by anderson900 - 3
Cascading deletes
#99 opened by robross0606 - 6
Collect last entity in chain
#246 opened by rmortes - 5
Establish entity relationships using natural keys
#255 opened by anderson900 - 1
Interface in Array
#189 opened by erdemgonul - 0
How would you recommend we implement a different DB
#173 opened by orefalo - 10
Apollo Integration
#90 opened by itsezc - 1
Imperformant queries on flex search with cursor
#170 opened by henkesn - 2
Custom Edge Names
#135 opened by rasjonell-zz - 11
A few questions
#80 opened by teoxoy - 4
- 9
Apollo Federation and ArangoSearch
#101 opened by itsezc - 5
Add a few examples
#109 opened by orefalo - 1
#128 opened by homerjam - 1
Puzzled - relations
#129 opened by orefalo - 18
- 0
Why not focus on graph databases?
#124 opened by janat08 - 8
Logging configuration
#116 opened by deinspanjer - 0
Possible to alias a collection name?
#117 opened by deinspanjer - 0
- 1
Add code formatting configuration & hooks
#111 opened by orefalo - 3
Seeding (and CLI)
#89 opened by itsezc - 7
GraphQL scalar definition not supported
#96 opened by robross0606 - 2
Does not work in tandem with other directives
#98 opened by robross0606 - 12
Cruddl with Typescript project
#91 opened by robross0606 - 6
Does cuddle support direct AQL query also
#16 opened by juicycleff - 3
Input validation
#86 opened by robross0606 - 15
[BUG] Named query cache issue
#82 opened by teoxoy - 1
How to compile?
#78 opened by orefalo - 4
Authorization Issues
#66 opened by medelman17 - 2
Sparse indexing
#12 opened by kevinsegal - 3
filter with XXX_contains="" never returns results
#28 opened by pso-aeb - 1
Schema migration ?
#11 opened by crubier - 1
support arbitrary paging
#24 opened by pso-aeb - 0
Child entity count is zero
#4 opened by Yogu - 0
- 0
Support graphql 0.12 / 0.13
#1 opened by Yogu