
Transafe Hackathon Project

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This application is made for a hackathon competition as demo. The aim of the app is transferring important files by using blockchain

Setup your development via the guide link

Make sure you have right development setup before start running


Running the sample

Deploy and run the nodes by:

./gradlew deployNodes

If you don't have proper java 8 version as main you can configure and use below jar command in terminal under the ".\build\nodes" folder.

C:\Program" "Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_333\bin\java -jar .\runnodes.jar

Then you will need to also start the spring server for the Cordapp by running the following commands seperately: ./gradlew bootRunNode1will have the Node1 server running on 8080 port , and ./gradlew bootRunNode2will start the Node2 server on 8090 port

Operating the Cordapp

Now go to postman and excute the following in order: (All of the API are POST request!)

  1. Create an account on Node1 node: http://localhost:8080/createAccount/IsBankasi
  2. Create an account on Node2 node: http://localhost:8090/createAccount/TurkTelekom
  3. IsBankasi now handshake with node 2: http://localhost:8080/handShake Body: { "fromPerson": "IsBankasi", "targetNodeName": "Node2" }
  4. TurkTelekom now handshake with node 1: http://localhost:8090/handShake Body: { "fromPerson": "IsBankasi", "targetNodeName": "Node1" }
  5. Send a file from IsBankasi to TurkTelekom: http://localhost:8080/sendFile Body: { "sender": "IsBankasi", "receiver": "TurkTelekom", "receiverHost": "O=Node2,L=New York,C=US,CN=Alice", "file": "Deneme dosyasi", "startDate": "2022-06-15 08:38:00", "endDate": "2022-06-20 14:00:00" }
  6. Receive file: http://localhost:8090/receiveFile Body: { "sender": "IsBankasi", "receiver": "TurkTelekom", "senderHost": "O=Node1,L=London,C=GB,CN=Bob" }