
Repository for AEMBOT's 2020 Rover written using ROS and Python

Primary LanguagePython

Rover Project

Repository for AEMBOT's 2020 rover written using ROS and Python

Installing ROS

I would highly recommend using either a machine dual booted with Ubuntu or a VM (If dual booting make sure the ping returns a reasonably low ping ~15ms or lower)

This project makes use of ROS Noetic which can be found on the ROS website or at that link Follow the install instructions for Ubuntu.

After the install you need to add a few lines to your .bashrc file (This allows certain commands to run when a new terminal is opened)

  1. After running a catkin_make to build the project, you will need to add the setup.bash file for the RoverProject to the .bashrc. To do this you simply need to open the .bashrc file and add the line:
source <RoverProject Parent Directory>/RoverProject/devel/setup.bash
  1. Next you need to add the src folder from within each of the rover packages to the PYTHONPATH. To do this you need to add the following line ABOVE the setup.bash calls:
export PYTHONPATH="<RoverProject Parent Directory>/RoverProject/src/rover_main/src":<RoverProject Parent Directory>/RoverProject/src/rover_client/src"

You will also need to add the rover's hostname/ip combo to your /etc/hosts file so that you can accsess the roscore server running on the rover


While the concept of how ROS works isn't that hard to understand and begin to use. The management of nodes, messages, services, etc. can be a bit of a pain.

Therefore, If you don't know what you are doing with the CMake or Package files DO NOT TOUCH them. One can break these files very easily, and since they are used to build the project... It won't build.

That being said the ROS Wiki and it's Tutorial Series are great places to start. If you run into issues (you will)... google it.

Someone has likely had a similar issue on the ROS Forms. Please try to troubleshoot issues yourself before asking.

Useful Resources

ROS Wiki
ROS Forms

Workspace Setup Suggestions

  1. I would recommend setting up several virtual desktops to swap between to allow for more workspace
  2. Using terminator is also nice as it allows you to split shells im the same window