This repository is documentation of the ADB40 TRB Committee's process for handling large numbers of paper reviews in August/September of each year.

Paper Review Coordinators

  • Elizabeth Sall (lead)
  • Amanda Stathopoulos
  • "Jana" Natarajan Janarthanan
  • Abdul Pinjari
  • Tierra Bills

Basic Process

  1. By Aug 1st: Send out reviewer pool survey to AB40 members and friends.
  2. By Aug 11: Lead checks all the papers that have been assigned for appropriateness and reason.  We get a lot of networks papers and we usually try to return a few.
  3. By Aug 12: Lead divides up papers between review coordinators, targeting 20 or so papers per coordinator.
  4. Review coordinators assign reviewers to each paper they are handling using the google worksheet.
  5. Once all the reviews are assigned in the sheet, enter the reviewers for each paper in the system.
  6. By Aug 15: Once all the reviews are entered and everything is balanced with no conflicts and overloaded reviewers, send out the notifications.
  7. Track the completion statistics and send out reminders;
  8. Reassign new reviewers to papers when reviewers reject the assignment – track this in the management sheet
  9. By Sept 10: Send out the additional review survey to see who is done and willing to take on more reviews – start assigning additional reviewers to papers which look like they won’t be completed
  10. By Sept 15: Start bugging people more
  11. By Oct 1: Finalize publication and presentation decisions.

Magic Review Assignment Sheet

Protect the sheets only give access for everyone to edit the columns they are handling in the ‘Assignments’ tab in order to minimize conflicts