
Bot for managing game codes and testing through discord!

Adding a game

This will add a game to the bot, needed before you can add codes and test the game !add_game <name>

Adding codes

This will add codes for a game to the bot to be given to testers during testing. The message needs to have an attachment of a single txt file containing the codes, 1 code per line !add_codes <game_name>

Removing codes

If you assigned codes to the wrong game or want the bot to forget these codes exist for some reason. The message needs to have an attachment of a single txt file containing the codes, 1 code per line !remove_codes <game_name>

Running a test

This pings the testers for the test and allows them to claim codes through the bot. Dates need to be wrapped with "! Dates can contain an exact time to stop, for example "2020/01/09 18:00". The format of // : is highly recommended to avoid ambiguity !test <game_name> <until> <sheet_url> <announcement>

##List running tests Lists all active tests and how long aprox until they end !running

altering the test end time/date

Changes the scheduled time for a test to end. Test_message_id is the id of the message it send in the announcements channel for that test. !update_end_time <test_message_id> <new_time>

altering the test announcement content

Updates the test announcement, testers are not pinged again. !update <test_message_id> <new_message>

Testing report

Gets a report with all testers who signed up for a test, how many times they filled in the feedback form and the code their received !test_report <test_message_id>

Inactivity report

Gives a list of all people who did not submit feedback in the last x tests (regardless on if they signed up for those tests or not) !inactive_report <test_count>