
An asynchronous, extensible ecosystem of Rust libraries for the Discord API.

Primary LanguageRustISC LicenseISC

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twilight is an asynchronous, simple, and extensible set of libraries which can be used separately or in combination for the Discord API.

The ecosystem of first-class crates includes twilight-cache, twilight-command-parser, twilight-gateway, twilight-http, twilight-model, and more. These are explained in detail below.

The main twilight crate is a "skeleton crate": it includes all of the non-vendor-specific crates in the twilight ecosystem.


Most of Twilight requires at least 1.40+ (rust stable).

Add this to your Cargo.toml's [dependencies] section:

twilight = {version = "0.0.1-alpha.0", git = "https://github.com/twilight-rs/twilight.git" }


These are crates that can work together for a full application experience. You may not need all of these - such as twilight-cache - but they can be mixed together to accomplish just what you need.


twilight-model is a set of models defining structures, enums, and bitflags for the entirety of the Discord API. It is split into a number of sub-modules, such as gateway for containing the WebSocket gateway types, guild for containing types owned by guilds (servers), voice containing the types used by the Voice WebSocket API, and more.

These are all in a single crate so that you can use gateway models without depending on twilight-gateway. One use case is if you write your own WebSocket gateway implementation.


twilight-cache is based on a single trait which can be implemented to use custom third-party backends with a single ubiquitous interface. The Cache is responsible for holding information about things like guilds, channels, role information, voice states, and any other data that comes from Discord.

Included by default is an InMemoryCache backend, which caches within the process's memory.


twilight-gateway is an implementation of Discord's sharding gateway sessions. This is responsible for receiving stateful events in real-time from Discord and sending some stateful information.

It includes two primary types: the Shard and Cluster.

The Shard handles a single WebSocket connection and can manage up to 2500 guilds. If you manage a small bot in under about 2000 guilds, then this is what you use. See the Discord docs for more information on sharding.

The Cluster is an interface which manages the health of the shards it manages and proxies all of their events under one unified stream. This is useful to use if you have a large bot in over 1000 or 2000 guilds.


twilight-command-parser is a crate for parsing commands out of messages received over the gateway. It finds messages commanding your bot and parses the arguments out.


twilight-http is an HTTP client supporting all of the Discord REST API. It is based on hyper. It meets Discord's ratelimiting requirements and supports proxying.


use std::{env, error::Error};
use tokio::stream::StreamExt;

use twilight::{
        twilight_cache_inmemory::config::{InMemoryConfigBuilder, EventType},
    gateway::cluster::{config::ShardScheme, Cluster, ClusterConfig},
    http::Client as HttpClient,

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>> {
    let token = env::var("DISCORD_TOKEN")?;

    // This is also the default.
    let scheme = ShardScheme::Auto;

    let config = ClusterConfig::builder(&token)
        // Use intents to only listen to GUILD_MESSAGES events
            GatewayIntents::GUILD_MESSAGES | GatewayIntents::DIRECT_MESSAGES,

    // Start up the cluster
    let cluster = Cluster::new(config);

    // The http client is seperate from the gateway,
    // so startup a new one
    let http = HttpClient::new(&token);

    // Since we only care about messages, make the cache only
    // cache message related events
    let cache_config = InMemoryConfigBuilder::new()
                | EventType::MESSAGE_DELETE
                | EventType::MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK
                | EventType::MESSAGE_UPDATE,
    let cache = InMemoryCache::from(cache_config);

    let mut events = cluster.events().await;
    // Startup an event loop for each event in the event stream
    while let Some(event) = events.next().await {
        // Update the cache
        cache.update(&event.1).await.expect("Cache failed, OhNoe");

        // Spawn a new task to handle the event
        tokio::spawn(handle_event(event, http.clone()));


async fn handle_event(
    event: (u64, Event),
    http: HttpClient,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>> {
    match event {
        (_, Event::MessageCreate(msg)) if msg.content == "!ping" => {
        (id, Event::ShardConnected(_)) => {
            println!("Connected on shard {}", id);
        _ => {}



All first-party crates are licensed under ISC