
Personal Shell developed in C

Primary LanguageC

My Shell

Project: MyShell Due Date: 4/8/24 (11:59PM) authors: Arun Felix (ajf277), Kareem Jackson (kkj47)

  • This is a project that is our implementation of the bash shell with functioning built in functions (pwd, cd, which, exit) and the use of wildcards , pipes, redirects, and conditions.

What we did

implemented command line parsing, executing programs/files, handle redirects and piping. and partial execution of wildcard usage

How to Run - examples

after extracting, cd into P3 mysh is the only important file to recompile you can run "make" in P3

Interactive Interactive Mode


Batch Mode

cat bash.sh | ./mysh
\[runs commands in bash.sh]
./mysh bash.sh
\[runs commands in bash.sh]

Tests Examples

Test one - testing single redirects

./sum < input.txt

in the P3 directory, input.txt contains 9 and 10, print 90 on the console.

./sum > output.txt 

will take standard input from the user and store the result to the console.

Test Two - testing two redirects

./sum < input.txt > output.txt

will pass in 9 and 10 to sum and output 90 to the output.txt file.

Test three - piping

ls -l | grep .c

will take the output of ls -l and pass it into grep with the arg .c

./sum arg1 arg2 arg3 | grep 81 

assuming 9 and 9 are inputted, 81 will be outputted, piped to the into grep 81 and will print 81.

Test four - redirects and piping

./sum < input.txt | grep 90 > output.txt

will redirect input.txt to sum, input contains 9 and 10, grep 90 will take the output of sum, and the output of grep will be redirected to output.txt

Test five - wild cards

ls *.c

will list out all files containing .c files.

cat *.c

will print out the contents of all .c files in a directory.

Test six - conditional

echo hello
then echo success

will print success

ls santoehun taoheuc ado.rud
else failure

will print failure

Test seven - neofetch


will run neofetch, searching the directory

Test eight - testing built in functions

cd ..

will go to the parent derictory


will print the current working directory.

which vim

will print the location of vim, /usr/bin/vim