Interview Challenges

Simple e-commerce task


  • User can login & register.
  • User can add products in the cart.
  • User can get his cart summary.
  • docker-compose support


  • Elasticsearch as a database.
  • NATs messaging system for services transportation.
  • Redis for caching

Api Collection

- POST /api/register body:{name,email,password}
- POST /api/login body:{email,password}
- POST /api/products/create body:{ 
                                  name: {type: "string"},
                                  url: {type: "string"},
                                  sku: {type: "string"},
                                  barcode: {type: "string"},
                                  brand: {type: "string"},
                                  category: {type: "string"}
- POST /api/cart/add body:{productId} headers:{Authorization:<useer_token>}
- GET /api/cart headers:{Authorization:<useer_token>}
- POST /api/cart/clear headers:{Authorization:<useer_token>}

Build Setup

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start developing with REPL
npm run dev

# Start production
npm start

# Run unit tests
npm test

# Run ESLint
npm run lint

# Run Prettier
npm run prettier

Run in Docker (production)

Set environment

Run in Docker (Development)

  1. Start with docker-compose: node dc:up OR docker-compose up -d

    It starts all services in separated containers, a Redis server for caching and a Traefik reverse proxy. All nodes communicate via NATs transporter.

  2. Open the http://docker-ip:3000

Code Overview


Application Structure

  • moleculer.config.js - Moleculer ServiceBroker configuration file.
  • services/ - This folder contains the services.


$ npm test