LUM/MARINER attempts to aim to be a clone of XNU/Darwin written in Rust just without the Apple stuff. A kernel and Operating System.

Primary LanguageRust


LUM/MARINER attempts to aim to be a clone of XNU/Darwin written in Rust just without the Apple stuff. A kernel and Operating System.

Credits to phil-opp for the base code of this kernel.

What I plan for this?

I plan for LUM/MARINER to become a Unix based kernel in Rust that is almost like a clone of XNU/Darwin to some degree. I plan on making this compatible with Linux/Unix applications and making the kernel modular to allow for easier modifications.

So, how do you even build this?


  1. Git clone this repo.
  2. Install brew from brew.sh.
  3. Run 'brew install rustup'.
  4. Run 'rustup toolchain install nightly'.
  5. Run 'cargo install bootimage'.
  6. In LUM-MARINER/LUM, run 'cargo bootimage && qemu-system-x86_64 --drive format=raw,file=target/x86_64-unknown-none/debug/bootimage-LUM.bin'. This currently only works on BIOS QEMU, not UEFI QEMU.

Linux (Currently only tested on Ubuntu, follow at your own risk if on other distros):

  1. Git clone this repo.
  2. Install rustup from rustup.rs. (If you are on Ubuntu, snap rustup is broken and will not work with this.)
  3. Hit 2 to customise during install.
  4. Hit enter.
  5. Type nightly and hit enter.
  6. Type complete and hit enter.
  7. Type y for PATH var modification and hit enter.
  8. Hit enter again.
  9. Run '. "$HOME/.cargo/env"'.
  10. Run 'cargo install bootimage'.
  11. Run 'rustup component add llvm-tools-preview'.
  12. In LUM-MARINER/LUM, run 'cargo bootimage && qemu-system-x86_64 --drive format=raw,file=target/x86_64-unknown-none/debug/bootimage-LUM.bin'. This currently only works on BIOS QEMU, not UEFI QEMU.


  1. Git clone this repo.
  2. Install rustup from rustup.rs.
  3. Hit 2 to customise during install.
  4. Hit enter.
  5. Type nightly and hit enter.
  6. Type complete and hit enter.
  7. Type y for PATH var modification and hit enter.
  8. Hit enter again.
  9. Run 'cargo install bootimage'
  10. In LUM-MARINER/LUM and in CMD (must be CMD as Powershell doesn't like this command), run 'cargo bootimage && "C:\Program Files\qemu\qemu-system-x86_64.exe" --drive format=raw,file=target/x86_64-unknown-none/debug/bootimage-LUM.bin'. This currently only works on BIOS QEMU, not UEFI QEMU.


I've always found XNU and Darwin really interesting to me and I've always wanted to do stuff with it but due to the way XNU/Darwin is, you can't really do much. Therefore, LUM/MARINER sprung into existence. And well... because why not? It seemed like a fun idea.

What does LUM stand for?

"Like Unix... Maybe?"

What does MARINER stand for?

It's a reference to something. I may say it in the future.

Star History

Star History Chart

Oh, and I should probably point out that I'm doing this for fun and learning, before anyone attempts to destroy me for this... I know some people will.