
🍨 Vanilla React Boilerplate, almost non-opinionated 🌝

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Vanilla Boilerplate

Vanilla Boilerplate

Some really reasonable setup for React applications, no overhead and tons of libraries. Inspired by React Redux Starter Kit but more minimal and less opinionated. With small overhead, HMR is lightning fast, no stuttering and waiting any more!


  • React
  • Redux
  • React Router DOM
  • Webpack as module bundler (and webpack-dev-server)
  • Gulp for production builds and compiling SASS

Does NOT include:

  • Test Frameworks
  • Style / CSS / SASS loaders (there are so many better options than loading sass w loader, you decide)
  • Heroku / AWS or any other deployment stuff


You need NodeJS, obviously : ).

  1. git clone https://github.com/radenkovic/react-vanilla my-app
  2. cd my-app
  3. yarn
  4. npm start
  5. if you want to edit global styles, open new console tab and run gulp

Project Structure

Source files for the react app are in folder /src. Feel free to change the structure. Redux is also only loosely connected, so it can be easily and safely removed from main.js file (remove <Provider> wrapper and createStore).

Routes folder is for App Routes, where index.js (in the directory root) is to declare main Routes for the app.

You can read more about proper structure here.

Public folder

If you want to use plain images, load fonts via url and so on, place them in /public folder, then you can include them, for example:

/public/vanilla.jpg = <img src="/vanilla.jpg" />

All files are copied in ./dist folder when built

Why Gulp and Webpack?

Because in reality apps need some global styles, and while scoped js/css mixture looks good on paper, when used it's utterly slow (especially when you import something large, such as Bootstrap), sluggish and irritating. Gulp SASS setup injects all scss files into index file (so compilation times are always few milliseconds).

Also, for build tasks, it's much easier to use gulp plugins (copying files, fonts, optimizing images and so on).

If you don't like Gulp

You can entirely get rid of it:

  1. remove gulpfile.js in root
  2. configure webpack to copy files from /public to /dist folder

That means no more global styling, you will need to add loaders or use styled components, jss or something similar.


Distribution build can be made with:

  • npm run build

It cleans dist directory and creates fresh app version. You can also run npm run staticServer to preview your production build locally.

Build process streamline explained

  1. Dist directory is cleaned (removed, rimraf)
  2. Webpack compiles javascript and exports index.html, and js bundles (vendor, normalize, manifest and the main bundle) and all images loaded with url-loader
  3. Gulp compiles sass in production mode (concat, autoprefixer, minify, revision hashing) to ./dist/css, and injects the file into index.html

What can be better (TBD)

project.config.js file is utilized only for webpack.config.js, but it should be used in gulpfile too (single source for app settings)