
Codacy Badge

The PhotonList2Healpix software takes in input one or more photon lists (CTA or AGILE) and returns as output an Healpix map with a given resolution ("order" or "k") and NEST or RING pixelization scheme. This tool requires an EVT.index configuration file which contains one or more photon list paths with theire corresponding observation interval times.

EVT.idex (example)

/path/to/CTA_PhotonList/GRB-photon-list/run0406_sim000001_tbin00.fits 0.000000 0.11294627190
/path/to/CTA_PhotonList/GRB-photon-list/run0406_sim000001_tbin01.fits 0.11294627190 0.14219093323
/path/to/CTA_PhotonList/GRB-photon-list/run0406_sim000001_tbin02.fits 0.14219093323 0.17900776863


The following dependencies are needed:

  • cfitsio-3.370
  • agile-B24-r5
  • healpix-3.50


cd PhotonList2Healpix/
module load agile-B24-r5
module load healpix-3.50
export PFILES=~/PhotonList2HealpixTask/PhotonList2Healpix/conf

./bin/PhotonList2Healpix healpix_map output_folder/ AGILE ./INDEX/EVT.index 7 NEST -1 -1 -1 -1 [ other not required params ]

./bin/PhotonList2Healpix healpix_map output_folder/ CTA ./INDEX/EVT.index 7 NEST -1 -1 -1 -1


outfile: the filename prefix of the output file. [required]

outfolder: the folder name for the output file. [required]

photon_list_type: the format of the photon list. [required]

EVT_path: the path of EVT.index file. [required]

healpix_order: the resolution of the Healpix map. [required]

healpix_schema: the schema of the Healpix map. [required]

tmin: observation start time for the photons selection (AGILE and CTA). [default =  -1]

tmax: observation end time for the photons selection (AGILE and CTA). [default =  -1]

emin: the minimum energy of the events for the photons selection (AGILE and CTA). [default = -1]

emax: the maximum energy of the events for the photons selection (AGILE and CTA). [default = -1]

albrad: radius of earth albedo (expressed in degrees) for the photons selection (AGILE only). [default = 0]

phasecode: orbital phase code for the photons selection (AGILE only). [default = 0]

filtercode: code used to select the particular event type (5 to select only gamma events) for the photons selection (AGILE only). [default = 0]

fovradmin: Min off-axis angle (expressed in degrees) for the photons selection (AGILE only). [default = 0]

fovradmax: Max off-axis angle (expressed in degrees) for the photons selection (AGILE only). [default = 360]

If tmin, tmax, emin and emax parameters are setted to '-1' , PhotonList2Healpix considers maximum intervals time and energy in the photons selection. ( TIME >= 0.000000 && TIME < 9999999999.000000 && ENERGY >= 0 && ENERGY <= 1e+10 )

How the query string is formed

str << "TIME >= " << tmin;
str << "TIME < " << tmax;
str << " && ENERGY >= " << emin;
str << " && ENERGY <= " << emax;
str << " && PH_EARTH > " << albrad;
str << " && THETA < " << fovradmax;
str << " && THETA >= " << fovradmin;
if ((phasecode & 1) == 1)
		str << " && PHASE .NE. 0";
if ((phasecode & 2) == 2)
		str << " && PHASE .NE. 1";
if ((phasecode & 4) == 4)
		str << " && PHASE .NE. 2";
if ((phasecode & 8) == 8)
		str << " && PHASE .NE. 3";
if ((phasecode & 16) == 16)
		str << " && PHASE .NE. 4";
if ((filtercode & 1) == 1)
		str << " && EVSTATUS .NE. 'L'";
if ((filtercode & 2) == 2)
		str << " && EVSTATUS .NE. 'G'";
if ((filtercode & 4) == 4)
		str << " && EVSTATUS .NE. 'S'";


TIME >= 0.000000 && TIME < 9999999999.000000 && ENERGY >= 0 && ENERGY <= 1e+10 && PH_EARTH > 80 && THETA < 60 && THETA >= 0 && PHASE .NE. 1 && PHASE .NE. 2 && EVSTATUS .NE. 'L' && EVSTATUS .NE. 'S'