

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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First time using moleculer, especially moleculer-web.

Here's a Rest-API simulating a web store.


  • Rest-API
  • HTTP requests
  • Users management (Create & Modify)
  • Products management (Create & Modify & Stock-management)
  • Orders management (Create & Add-product & Quantity-product & Validate)

HTTP Requests

The following HTTP requests are based on the localhost IP Adresse, like it would be if you test this project in local:



GET /status/server

Return the configuration of the server

GET /status/health

Return the node health

GET /status/database

Return the whole database instance

GET /status/reset

Reset the application (empty the database)


POST /api/v1/user

Create a new user

Parameter Type Description
email String The email address of the new user
firstname String The firstname of the new user
lastname String The lastname of the new user

GET /api/v1/users

Get all users that exist

Parameter Type Description
- - -

GET /api/v1/user/:email

Get a specific user from his email address

Parameter Type Description
email String The email address of the user

GET /api/v1/user/:email/verify

Verify if a user exists from his email address

Parameter Type Description
email String The email address of the user

PATCH /api/v1/user/:email

Update a user information from his email address

Parameter Type Description
email String The email address of the user
firstname String The firstname of the user
lastname String The lastname of the user


POST /api/v1/product

Create a new product

Parameter Type Description
title String The name of the new product
description String The description of the new product
price Number The price of the new product

GET /api/v1/products

Get all products that exist

Parameter Type Description
- - -

GET /api/v1/product/:id_product

Get a specific product from its id

Parameter Type Description
product_id String The id of the product

GET /api/v1/product/:id_product/verify

Verify that a product exists from its id

Parameter Type Description
product_id String The id of the product

PATCH /api/v1/product/:id_product

Update a product information from its id

Parameter Type Description
product_id String The id of the product
title String The name of the product
description String The description of the product
price Number The price of the product

PATCH /api/v1/product/:id_product/quantity_op/:quantity

Add or remove quantity of a product from its id

Parameter Type Description
product_id String The id of the product
quantity String The quantity you want to add (positive nbr) or remove (negative nbr)

PATCH /api/v1/product/:id_product/increment

Increment a product's quantity from its id

Parameter Type Description
product_id String The id of the product

PATCH /api/v1/product/:id_product/decrement

Decrement a product's quantity from its id

Parameter Type Description
product_id String The id of the product


POST /api/v1/order

Create a new order

Parameter Type Description
id_user String The id of a user linked to this order

GET /api/v1/orders

Get all orders that exist

Parameter Type Description
- - -

GET /api/v1/order/:id_order

Get a specific order from its id

Parameter Type Description
id_order String The id of the order

GET /api/v1/order/user/:id_user

Get all orders linked to a specific user from his id

Parameter Type Description
id_user String The id of the user

GET /api/v1/order/:id_order/verify

Verify that an order exists from its id

Parameter Type Description
id_order String The id of the order

PATCH /api/v1/order/:id_order/product/:id_product

Add a product to an order

Parameter Type Description
id_order String The id of the order
id_product String The id of the product

PATCH /api/v1/order/:id_order/product/:id_product/increment

Increment a product's quantity in an order

Parameter Type Description
id_order String The id of the order
id_product String The id of the product

PATCH /api/v1/order/:id_order/product/:id_product/decrement

Decrement a product's quantity in an order. Remove the product from the order if it's quantity equal 0

Parameter Type Description
id_order String The id of the order

PATCH /api/v1/order/:id_order

Validate an order. The order will be locked and cannot be changed after validation

Parameter Type Description
id_order String The id of the order