
PawnPlus extensions and helpers for the MySQL plugin

Primary LanguagePawnMIT LicenseMIT



PawnPlus extensions and helpers for the MySQL plugin


Simply install to your project:

sampctl package install AGraber/pawn-plus-mysql

Include in your code and begin using the library:

#include <pp-mysql>

It is recommended that you set a PawnPlus version explicitely on your pawn.json (preferibly the latest) to avoid always downloading the latest one.

If you don't use sampctl, just download the pp-mysql.inc include and drop it to your includes/ folder, and then download the PawnPlus plugin and include from here.

While you're on it and if you don't use PawnPlus yet, you should check it out!


All existing mysql_[t/p]query now have a variant that accepts PawnPlus strings, ending with _s (for example, mysql_tquery_s).

In addition, a new member arrives into the family of these natives: mysql_aquery[_s], which returns a task that will be set as completed when the query completes successfully, or fault when there's an error during its execution.

Note that mysql_aquery[_s] will piggyback on mysql_tquery by default. You can override this and use mysql_tquery by setting the parallel parameter at the end to true, or explicitly change this default value by defining MYSQL_ASYNC_DEFAULT_PARALLEL to you desired value.


Using PawnPlus strings on natives

public OnPlayerTookAllCandies(playerid)
	mysql_tquery_s(DatabaseHandle, @("UPDATE player SET took_candies = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id = ") % GetPlayerDBID(playerid));

Task-based asynchronous queries:

	await mysql_aquery_s(DatabaseHandle, @("SELECT * FROM player WHERE id = ") % GetPlayerDBID(playerid), .parallel = false);
	// Cache functions will be available after this
	cache_get_value_name_float(0, "health", PlayerHealth[playerid]);
	// ...