A full stack web app built with Node, Express, and EJS that allows users to shorten long URLs (à la bit.ly).
💡 Are you here to view this as a demo ? a Walkthrough with screenshots?
- Navigate the web App :
- Stack & Dependencies, Dev Features, Routes, Sample API, Unit-Test :
- See how the App was iteratevely build & Tagged (git)
Clone Project into your desired destination
git clone git@github.com:AH82/tinyapp.git
Install all dependencies
npm install
Run the development web server (on
)node express_server.js # or npm start #invokes Nodemon.
[optional] Run the Test to make sure all is 'A' okay
npm test
💡 See :
tech-specs.md / ## Unit-Test
for further details. -
On your web-browser, go to :
, and follow theUser Guide
see : tech-specs.md
▶ # Stack & Dependencies, # Dev Features, # Routes, # Sample API, # Unit-Test.
- Node
- Express
- No Database ( Hardcoded sample & in-memory thereafter )
(for demo only, superceded by cookie-session)